Chapter 30

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James P.O.V

When i opened my eyes i was back in my room. The curtains were drawn and it was black, I got up fast and moved to the door. I only opened it a crack just to make sure no one was around, but nothing n one was around and it was quiet. I listened hard and could hear screaming faintly, Masons voice. I wanted to help him, tell him what Violet told me. But i couldn't, he'd try to stop me and take my place and i couldn't let him do that. He had to be with her no matter what.

I made my way down the hallway and up the stairs to the thrid floor, everything was silent as a mouse. No sound could be heard.

I opened the door to the room were Violet was and stopped dead, Violet was laying in the center of the room, white curtains had blown open around her from the wind. Pale moonlight highlighting her even paler features, she was beautiful. Mayra had done a good job with making her look nice. She was as cold as ice and it made me ache that she wasn't okay, i wanted to crawl up next to her and die too. But that was not what she wanted.

 "Im so sorry" I muttered as i held her hand softly. The feelings i had kept from her flooded back through to the surface. I ached to be with her and burned to avenge her at the same time.  So many emotions, i haven't felt like this for a long long time.

Mayras P.O.V

I couldn't believe Mason. All that rage kept inside one person, it just wasn't possible. I wanted to let him out but i was cared that he'd try to kill us in the process. Reasoning wasn't an option, especially with him being so enraged. I couldn't help but feel sorry for him though, he's waited years to find his sister and finally he finds her and she dies.

I sat down the end of the hallway of the crypt. Staring down the hallway where Mason was being kept, even though i was a fair way away i could still hear the enraged screams and crashes as he threw himself against the door.

Even if i wanted to let him out i couldn't. Jake took the key when he left to arrange the funeral plans, Hayden and Max went with him. I think it was best, they both wern't handling this well at all.

That left me alone in this big old place for at least an hour or two. James was still alseep, well he was the last time i check on him which was only a few moments before i came down here. I stopped and thought about it for a while, there wern't any clocks down here. And there definetly wern't any windows so i accually didn't know how long i had been down here.

I wanted to move but something kept me down. My body felt heavy and very weak.

"Seems like it's been longer than i thought" I muttered to myself. I haven't had any blood for a while now and the effects were starting to take it's toll on me. I couldn't see straight, my throat felt like it was on fire and my balance was non existant. I leant against the wall for support but it was no use, i fell back crashing down to the floor. The dizzyness had become worse, i began to crawl but i wasn't able to keep it up for long.

Masons P.O.V

The rage was still filling me. Something was here, making me angry. Well making me even angrier than i already was. Something or rather someone was trying to make me mad, mad enough to break out of here? maybe. I wouldn't care even if it was something trying to make me, i wanted out badly and that was all i cared about.

Getting out and going to Violet. My poor sister, why did these things happen to me? She was always such a caring little thing and now shes...No, No shes not. I know it, i can feel it, shes still here and im going to save her. I leant against the door and sighed, how the hell could i get out of here?

I loked around the small room, smart choice putting me in this particular room. It was pretty small so i couldn't get a run up and hit the door. There was only a small matress that one person could fit on, no metal and nothing i was able to use to get out. I stood back up and looked at the hinges, so it wasn't the room i had thought they had put me in. The hinges were on the inside, how could i have not seen this?

In the dead of nightOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant