Chapter 12

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James P.O.V

I knew she was fighting herself inside.

Sitting on my bed in the dark i began to really see what she was going through. Her instincts were probably telling her to kill me, but, the human part of her would be telling her that she couldn't because I'm her friend. This is the first time that she hasn't listened to that blood thirsty side of her.

I looked up at the door to my room, remembering her face when i went to kiss her.  I stood up and walked around, staring at the deep blue walls. I could hear Violet in her room, her heart beat was rapid which meant she was stressed. Debating the idea weather i should go and see her or not, the door suddenly opened.

"Hey James are you awake?" she whispered in a small voice, I flashed over to the door and hid behind it. Sure enough she opened the door, then after a few moments it closed again, leaving me still hidden, in the darkness of my own room .

Violets P.O.V

Cant sleep.

Pacing the room for hours really dose hurt your legs, i sat down and looked down at myself again. I had gotten changed so i was waering a black corset and skirt, i had put some tights on underneath so my legs wouldn't freeze and my boots were still keeping my feet warm. I walked to the other side of my room were a little calender was pined up, It was June so the picture on the top of the calender was a black winter fairy dancing in the snow, I always admired how pretty she was every time i looked at the calender.

 June 21st, i gasped.

 June 21st was the night of the winter pain. Every year on this particular night i meet with a the other girls and guys from my hunting clan and we honor the spirits so that we will have a safe hunting year ahead.  The ritual is pretty straight forward, the clan leader - me -  casts a circle to honor the elements of the spirits.

There is five elements all together- air, water, fire, earth and spirit. every clan leader represents spirit and at the end of each year will join together and celebrate by having a hunt, the hunt is one of our biggest traditions. We all bring a vampire or two and let them loose in a massive national park that's surrounded by a silver fence so they cant escape and the one who kills the most wins, normally I'm the one who wins but I'm not to sure this year.

Anyway the rest of the ritual involves a few chosen members of the clan who will have the honor of representing an elment. I will call the elements to the circle and then call my own. The one problem is that it involves a sacrifice. a vampire sacrifice, and i have to be the one to kill it then get out of the circle as fast as i can so i dont get attacked.  we all hold hands to make sure the spirits will not leave our circle and pass into the real world and they take the blood and the remains of the vampire. Its pretty gruesome but its just how we do things.

I had to get there, James had told me that we were an hour away from the boarding school i went to. Then the forest were we do the ritual was only 10 minutes away. So i had only 2 hours until the ritual.

I had been to the garage a few times with Jake, he normally wanted me to help him with fixing something. There was a motorbike in there i could hot wire and steel for the night so ill use that.  Firstly i had to get into my ritual dress.

The dress itself was in two parts. The first part was a corset and the second was a long skirt. The corset was black with white lace and the skirt was a black silk with pretty white flowers printed onto the whole thing.  It was asymmetrical on one side and with my hair down looked so beautiful.

 My mother would have been so happy if she saw me in this i though to myself, I mentally slapped myself. i couldn't think of her i had to get out of here NOW.

 I threw some leggings underneath so that i could actually ride the damn motorbike. Then before i went to the garage i did the stupidest thing. I went into James room but of course he wasn't awake so i ran downstairs as fast as i could in boots and grabbed a black helmet off the rack in the garage.

Hot wiring the bike was a lot harder than it sounded but i still managed without waking anyone up. But just to be sure i pushed the bike all the way to the front of the gates. Re-Hot wired the bike and took off as quickly as i could manage.

The wind ws quite cool against my flushed skin but it also felt good. I had been stuck in that house for so long i had forgotten how nice the surroundings were in this part of the town. I was free and no one knew i was gone.

Oh im going to be in a hell of a lot of shit when i get back.


Hey guys sorry this chapter isnt as long as the other chapters but chapter 13 will be alot longer

Thanks for the support everyone!

till next time


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