chapter 28

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Mayras P.O.V

"Just leve him be, if he's not going to come down just take some up to him. I don't blame him for not leaving her side" Max sat next to me in the kitchen, Hayden was on the other side still digging through the cuboard for god knows what.

"Yeah May i gotta agree with Max. Whats wierd is that Mason isn't in there too" I repressed a shiver. Even in my weak state I heard James yelling at Mason, I didn't really blame James for being so cruel. If he hadn't have been like that it wouldn't have gotten through to Mason considering state he's in now.

Also, i knew how much he loved her, I know he hates when i dig through peoples minds but i couldn't help myself. Even when we were little he always used to hate that i'd use my powers, it wasn't until we where teenagers that he really told me off. But as if i'd ever listen to him.

"Hey earth to May?" Max was waving his hand infront of my face, trying to get my attention. I pushed it away and glared at him. Max gave me a sorry look then pointed to his stomach, I understood what he meant when i looked behind us. Mason had made his way into the kitchen and was sitting at a chair in the far corner away from everyone else. I was going to say something but I was cut off my a shout from James.

"I need blood up here now!!!!"

James P.O.V

If my heart was stil beating it would have stopped dead. I froze in my place, shock taking over. I turned around slowly so that I wouldn't fall from the shock of her voice or so that i wouldn't cruch this if it was a dream.

When i turned to face her i felt, well.. I accually don't know what i felt. Relieved? Happy? All i know was that a love so strong was burning through me like a fire. I took Violet in, she was barely consiouse her eyes were just open. Chest was only slightly moving, indicating that the change wasn't finished yet. I didn't know how it worked in Violets case, seeing as she went from vampire to human then back again.

I ran to her side, tears welled up. I ran a shaking hand gently through her hair and down her cheek, down her arm and held her hand.I needed to know that this wasn't just a dream, that she really had woken up and that she didn't die. I couldn't move properly, it was like i was underwater.

"Please tell me this is real" I held her hand up to me. She smiled, it was weak but at least it let me know she was getting stronger.

"It's real.." Violet sounded croaky and faint. I gently rested my hand against her cheek.

"Don't talk, just rest. I'll be here when you wake up" I could hear her heart still, it was getting slower now. I could only just hear it now, her change was almost complete. How could I leave her now? I stuck my head out of her room and yelled down the hallway.

"I need blood up here now!!!" Closing the door gently, I moved around to the other side of Violets room. Near the window seat where Blane's limp body lay, he was almost tranclusent now. I couldn't bare to let Violet see him now when she wakes up, after the change her emotions will be to high and god knows what she would do. I was scared, truly afraid for her. I tried to bury the fear but it only made it worse. I looked at Blane again, his lips slightly blue and open. I took a blanket from the end of Violets bed and gently spread it over him, covering his body in the white sheet. 

Just as i returned to Violet the door burst open. I stood up straight away and shushed everyone who entered and i mean everyone. Max, Hayden, Mayra and Jake all flew through the door carrying a few blood bags each.

"I told you only a few" I whispered harshley. All of them shrugged and settled down near Violets bed.

"How is she?" Mayra asked sitting down beside me.

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