Chapter 2: New discovery

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It was so cold it burned. His paws were numb and his stomach was growling. His ears twitched every which direction trying to hear for other animals. All that flooded his hearing was birds. Each sang their own song.

He trotted along the edge of the trees looking into the forest. A sound of a stream flowing sounded and beat turned to walk towards it; going deeper into the woods.

His instincts told him to go hunt for fish in the stream or small animals near it but he didn't know how to. He grew up near other animals on a farm and hasn't hunted a day in his life.

Atlas was just a family dog, he wasn't cut out for this. He should just lay down and go to sleep never to wake again. Yet... there was a part of him want to fight, to overcome this challenge that has appeared.

He didn't want to give up so easily. If he had to go he would go kicking and biting. His doe brown eyes scanned his surroundings. The big looming trees seemed to hunch over him, protecting him. Even they didn't want him to go he thought.

Once he arrived at the stream he was surprised. It was frozen over. He listened as the stream flowed and things swam in it.

Challenge accepted he thought walking up to the bank of the stream and staring down at the frozen abyss before him.

Carefully he lifted his paw and pressed it down on the frozen surface, testing his weight. Instantly it gave way and now his paw was in freezing water.

Yelping he quickly pulled his paw out and biting at the ice that now formed on his paw. Then he sat and covered it with his tail as he stared into the surface that was starting to freeze over again.

He quickly bent down and lapped up some of the freezing water to see it that would calm his stomach. When he lifted his snout out of the water that droplets of water started to freeze.

Atlas scratched off the ice from his snout with his paw and he looked up and around for a shelter.

His nose twitched as his direction changed from the stream to something he's never smelled before. Curiously he trotted towards the unusual scent and stopped before an old foxes burrow hidden by snow.

Bear tilted his head as he dug the stiff frozen snow from the entrance of the burrow wondering what it was. When it was cleared only one thing filled his head, "Shelter." His heart screamed telling him to return back to his spot by the abandoned road as he cautiously went into the burrow.

It was roomy and...warm? Lifting his head he examined the claw marks left behind from the animal that dug it. It hadn't been there in awhile but the animals scent was somewhat comforting for Atlas. As if telling him he's not alone.

Altas's exhaustion got the best of him so he dug a little bed in the corner of the burrow and laid down with his tail covering his paws. A warmth fell over him as he rested his head and faded off to sleep. Peacefulness, instead of yelling their was birds singing. A flashback of his owners fighting with each other while he watched from under the bed faded to an image of birds singing on a snowy tree branch.

Everything from now on will be different for the better.

Everything from now on will be different for the better

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