'Jaehyun!' Taeyong whined.

Jaehyun gulped and suddenly blushed, he was thinking 'unnecessary' things. Who would have known that Taeyong whining would make him think those things he never thought about. He was getting that homosexual feeling again he had last night.

'Was the reason you put the wristband on because Yuta is going?' Jaehyun asked Taeyong to make him stop complaining.


'He's the Japanese version of Troye Sivan or Holland.' Jaehyun coughed.

Taeyong's eyes started to glisten.
'You know Troye Sivan and Holland!?' He grabbed Jaehyun's arm and smiled.

Jaehyun was feeling vulnerable and admittedly turned on? If you put it to that. That's what made him scared of himself, so he coughed again awkwardly and pushed Taeyong off of him. 'Look we're here.' He finally said as the car stopped, Taeyong grinned and got out of the car before Jaehyun.

It was full of LGBTQ+ people, Jaehyun tried to relax. The only queer person he wasn't afraid of would be Taeyong. He didn't want to be afraid so he inhaled and exhaled, putting his bag on. They were outside on the streets were the supposed 'festival' and almost street protesting took place, but also socialising, it was crazy. Taeyong waved to Carlos as he left them there.

So many people with bright colours flashed about. Holding up the gay flag, Jaehyun actually smiled. When he looked at it in a different perspective, he calmed down. Taeyong seemed to catch a glimpse of the anti-LGBTQ+ people letting rip into a group of people consisting of many sexuality's and genders. Jaehyun stiffened. 'Even though, we just got here...' He put his backpack on his arm and pulled out his sign that was rolled up. 'I think the real purpose of me coming here is just to prove to everyone...'

Taeyong's eyes widened. 'Jaehyun don't get involved you might get hurt, just go see the people who are having fun-'

'Taeyong, I can't just sit there watching those people discriminate people. Right? Yeah, it's scary being here for me but the only way I can do it is by standing up against them because look at those people! They're letting those asses mock them, it's discriminating, where the hell are the police huh?' He shouted out.

Taeyong let go of Jaehyun, he knew Jae was very confident and had very little shame for things like this except he was finally making up for all the things he had said in the past, just for Taeyong. But Taeyong... he wanted it to be more for everyone else. Other people must have more traumatic stories on their hands with dealing with being in the community.

Jaehyun climbed up on a car, above both of the different people. They didn't bother to look, not until he stomped his foot on the car, causing a loud noise and dent. Many people gave him their attention. Taeyong froze and felt worried for Jaehyun doing this, he was scared that something bad would happen.

'ALL OF YOU. Don't you think it's getting old and pathetic now?' He pointed at the people who were against, with their biblical signs. 'Me? Well I'm just like you lot, but what bothers me. Is that us humans, have to disgrace our beliefs, I'm a Catholic-' He pulled out the cross from under his shirt. 'But right here, let me confess. I was homophobic because I believed the wrong people, my parents, but until now I can realise all you lot look pathetic and stupid! You're hating on loving kind people who aren't afraid to be true about themselves, they're exposing themselves here, don't you know...?' He started to get emotional almost crying, which caught more attention. 'You know what? I'm not even going to pretend anymore... who cares if my life crumbles after this, I'm done acting.'

He opened up his sign, Taeyong went bright red and his eyes were wide. His heart was beating so fast

It read: 'I LOVE LESBIANS, GAYS, BISEXUALS, TRANSGENDERS AND THE QUEER AND THE OTHERS. BUT I ACTUALLY LOVE THIS ONE BOY, TAEYONG MORE.' The 'lesbians' being red, then 'gays' orange, then 'bisexuals' in yellow (that wasn't bright), 'transgenders' green, 'queer' being purple and finally 'Taeyong' in blue. Which was Taeyong's favourite colour.

Many of the haters had stood shocked and gossiping, but the people on the other side were so accepting and clapping at him. He felt proud but shy. He felt a nervous lump in his throat, some were even taking photos and even recorded his speech. He didn't care in that moment, what would happen. Because it felt like the world was only moving for him because of the one who made it a happy place, the one who seemed to show him in the last 24 hours that you can be more than just an image for the public eye. He was done trying to be the perfect son, and thought if Taeyong confessed about his homosexuality that he would too, but just in a way that was romantic and maybe Taeyong wouldn't drop it because he perhaps loves that Nakamoto fellow who he seemed to not like for personal reasons which you can probably guess.

He hopped off of the car, which the alarm to went off, as he was in the moment he dropped the sign and approached Taeyong. It was surprising how he just placed his hand on Taeyong's cheek and without second guessing he kissed Taeyong gently.

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