"I thought if I stayed away that.... that your powers would die down again. I thought that if I could have stayed away long enough that your powers would disappear completely, but I was wrong. I can't do anything to help you, this is my fault.... I awakened your true powers and now you're going to die unless I turn you into a monster like me" tears that would never be able to fall lay on the surface of his glassy eyes. He would never be able to cry, I can't imagine how hard it must be to not be able to show ordinary emotions.

"Jasper, none of this is-

"STOP!" I turned towards Alice who looked horrified as everyone dripped their bats and ran over to her. Alex was first to comfort her.

"What is it Alice?" Carlisle asked he scanned the area around us.

"They were leaving, but then they heard us playing and are heading this way" Alice stated as everyone panicked and Jasper started to pull me towards his motorbike.

"Jasper, it's too late" Carlisle said looking at the both of. He sighed and turned towards the front of the pac.

"Just stand behind me, okay everything's gonna be fine love" Jasper kept me huddled behind him as three new vampires turned up in front of us. One was black with bright red eyes an the woman had red hair with black eyes and the other man had dirty blond hair with midnight eyes. He seemed intense.

The black man held up our playing ball and smiled sweetly.
"I believe this belongs to you" he smiled and threw it over to Carlisle who unstiffened just a bit.

"Thankyou" Carlisle replied politely.

"I am Laurent" the black man gestured to himself.
"This is victoria" he then nodded towards the pale woman with the ginger hair.
"And this, is james"

James seemed to be staring directly at me and Bella. His eyes almost seemed as if they were waiting for us to slip up his turned his head to the side and I felt jaspers grip on my hand tighten slightly.

"I'm Carlisle, this is my family" Carlisle gestured to all of us to try and throw the suspicion off.

"Hello" Laurent said seeming to feel the intense energy between his clan and ours.
I saw jaspers eyes narrow to almost slits and I knew that the major was present rather than Jasper. I gripped his hand and his shoulders slowly unhinged allowingvhiscto relax slightly.

"I'm afraid you hunting activities had caused something of a mess for us" Carlisle proceeded to keep his boarders up not allowing the 'meat eaters' any lee way.

"Our apologies, we didn't realise the territory had already been claimed" Laurent explained whilst his other two companions spoke not a single word.

"Yes well, we maintain a permanent residence nearby" Carlisle remains tight lipped.
"Really" Laurent said surprised.
"Well we won't be a bother to you anymore.... we were just passing through" Laurent explained and looked towards james who still had his eyes fixed on me and Bella.

"The humans were tracking us, but we lead them east... You should be safe" victoria spoke  her voice a sultry whisper and Carlisle thanked them.

"So.. could you use three more players?" Laurent let out a breathy laugh. Must have been hard for a vampire to do.
The air felt tense as we looked at eachother.

"Oh come on, just one game" Laurent smiled and so did victoria but james still had not moved, he seemed fixated on me now.
"Sure why not, a few of us were leaving, you can take their place" Carlisle loosened up a bit as Jasper started to pull away from the rest of the family.

"We'll bat first" Carlisle threw the ball to Victoria to caught it perfectly in her small hand. Victoria smirked and a glint appeared in her eyes.

"I'm the one with the wicket curve ball" she sassed.
"Ohhh well I think we can handle that" said Emmet who seemed completely ready for a good game.

"We shall see" she said turning her back to walk with Laurent.

Still as everyone went to take their places, james did not move. So Jasper pulled me slightly towards the bike and we hurried.

Suddenly there was a small breeze and that was all james needed to get a whiff of Bella and me. James crouched down in a hunting position with a smirk on her face.

"You brought a snack" he stated comming towards us.

Suddenly my vision started to blur and I knew what was happening again. This could not have come at a worse time.

The Cullens rushed to defend the both of us and Laurent seemed to panic slightly as hissing noises were thrown around from clan to clan.

"The girl is with us, I think it's best if you leave" Carlisle growled at the three before him.

"I can see the game is over... We'll go now" Laurent backed off and so did victoria but james held his ground for a while longer.

"James" Laurent spoke inns warning tone. James quickly pulled back with a sly grin on his face and walked away with his mate.

"Get them out of here, go"

A/N: only a few more chapter to go and then it's time for the sequel. Can't wait to get started on that. Don't for get to comment and like.

Simone xxx

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