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I am taken to the cafeteria where Cato and Boniface greet me. Well, Boniface does anyways. Cato just sits in the corner and glowers at us while we shake hands. Something tells me that he wasn't pleased with my reaction at lunch today. I just ignore him. Two more days. Two more days until I can kill him whenever and however I damn well please. The thought makes me smile with bloodlust.

"We have a situation." Boniface starts off. Oh great.

"Lay it on me." I say, plopping down in the seat next to Cato, which conveniently happens to be the only one open.

"Face it,Clove. You and Cato are going to be allies in that arena, and you're going to h e to learn to communicate with him." Jayk says to me.

"I don't understand what you're implying." I say accusingly.

They all look at me. Even Cato. It seems as if his eyes are pleading me to understand. Then I get it. All of it. I almost fall over backwards when it hits me. I just gape at the trio, unmoving.

After a small while, I speak, but my words shaky. Turning to Cato, I unleash my rage.

"It was true?!" I yell at the top of my lungs.

His cheeks turn red. "Well, yeah, it was. I wouldn't lie like that."

I glare at him, remembering the day we met. By the look on his face, he does too. The Mentors won't notice it, but I do.

"Well," he says, stammering for words, "Not anymore."

"You son of a jerk! Now why on earth would you tell me this after that whole speech on how feelings don't

win you the games?! Huh?! Tell me that, LOVE!"

I can tell that the second I say this, he's hurt. He gets up out of his chair and walks to the door. He doesn't even look back when Boniface and Jayk call out for him. I am about to let it go, when Jayk nudges my arm. She nods over to Cato, and I take her hint.

"Cato." I call out to him. He turns around and faces me, a pained expression in his features. He looks to have a little bit of hope. I smile and grab his arm soothingly. "You didn't answer my question."

The cruelty oozes out of my voice like tracker jacked venom. It seeps under his skin and stings him, almost driving him mad. He walks out of the door without words, and halfway down the hall, I hear him grunt as he slams a fist into the wall. Closer consideration shows that he left a hole. I just sit there and watch him walk away angrily, knowing that I will be the one that puts and end to him. Feelings or no feelings.


I awaken the next morning to a constant tapping on my door. After the might I had, waking up isnt on my list of priorities. After Cato's little confession, I stayed up debeating whether or not it was true because he could easily be trying to set me up for some sort of trap, so that in the Games, he'll have the upper hand. I'm not going to let that happen!

I turn from my stomach to my back and look up at the ceiling. Today is the day ofthe interviews... I'm going to make an impression. By the Games tomorrow, all of Panem will be cheering for me.

Even District Twelve. A crummy District, but a District nonetheless. I remember hearing my score on. The television last night. I had to watch a replay because Jayk scorned me throughout the live showing. I'd like to scorn her right now. After my score, I shut off the television. I was too angry that Cato and I shared a score. A high score, but still. I got a ten. Beat that

The tapping on my door continues. I feel heat rush to my face as I yell at the person behind it.

"Are you trying to bust a hole in my door?!"

They Call Me a Career-a Clove fanficWhere stories live. Discover now