Hunger Games-Clove in the Making

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Just a forewarning this story has elements of both the books and the movies in it. I may seem to mess a couple things up but trust me, I know what I am doin lol. (well, count out gramatical errors...)

All rights go to Suzanne Collins.

and yeah..

Just going to make a few points that bother me.

~Tributes from One, Two, and Four DO NOT KNOW that they are called Careers. It specifically says in the book that the outlying districts call them that. Not the Career districts.

~All of the other Districts have two mentors. The only reason Katniss and Peeta share is because he is the only living Victor from Twelve. I understand that for some fanfictions, that there are one for a reason, but if you're trying to stick true to the book, that's the real info.

~Cato volunteers, Clove gets chosen.

~And finally... If I made any of you angry, I'm sorry i did not mean to offend anyone, I love the hunger games and all of its fans :* MWAH! HungerCatchingJay on my people!

They Call Me a Career-a Clove fanficWhere stories live. Discover now