the Games; day 3

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We walk through the forest, looking for what obviously was the loudest rumble of all time. We all thought it was thunder, but it was much too loud to be thunder. No, it was something a little more Gamemaker-made.

So now we're scaling the woods to check out what was going on, and we're all excited about who we might find. Marvel and I are in the back, well in front of Peeta, and Cato is in the front. I don't know exactly what to think. I decided that, as of last night, I won't think when it comes to him. I'll just let whatever happens happen. Marvel and I are talking about District Two. He just found out today that my father is the one and only, Brutus.

"That definately is gaining odds right there. That's not fair." He says.

"He didn't train me. I mean, yes, he gave me tips, but he didn't train me himself. He only told me about his Games."

"Exactly," Glimmer chimes in, "You know how he won his Games, so you practically have the recipe for winning the Games!"

"Have you all watched every Games?" I ask.

"Well no duh," Cato says, "It's kind of mandatory."

"Still, it's not like I'd miss it." Glimmer says.

"Well then there you go. You all know how to win the Games. He told me about his Games, I didn't live through it." I tell them.

"Still." Marvel murmurs. "How about we go toward the stream? It sounded like it was more down there?"

"All in favor?" Cato asks.

We all say something that shows we're in favor, and we all take a turn, going down towards the river.

"So what you're saying is, you are the offspring of THE Brutus Luther?" Peeta says. I am surprised. This doesn't seem like his sort of conversation, and he's been particularly quiet.

"Do you need a DNA test?" I ask him.

"No, it's just... Wouldn't we have heard of you before now if you were?" He asks.

"Naw. I'm kind of unimportant compared to him." I say.

"That's gotta be kind of hard to take in." Says Glimmer meaningfully.

"Not really. I mean, he's one of Panem's most valuable Victors. I don't blame anyone for saying I am less important. I mean, he's practically a trophy." I tell them all.

"I know that, but still. It's like hearing you're less important than another District." Marvel says. Cato looks back and we smirk at each other. We hear that enough, yet I would never tell Marvel that.

"Well..." Peeta says behind us.

We all turn to him and laugh, reaching the clearing of the river. Suddenly, just as I look at Marvel, his face changes. I pull out my knife and listen to him.

"LOOK!" He shouts, pointing towards a little pool in the stream, "LOOK! THERE SHE IS! THERE SHE IS!"

We all look over and see the Girl on Fire basking in what isn't her element. But one look in the trees behind her says otherwise. Smoke filters out through the air, and we all know that must have been where the thunder-like noise was coming from.

Glimmer runs past Cato. "SHE'S MINE!"

"NOT IF I GET HER FIRST!" He yells, passing her.

Katniss attempts to get out, but fails, then tries again and makes it out. We all make whooping noises, excited that we're going in for the kill. She runs ahead of us, and by the looks of her gait, she's injured. Even better.

We all run after her through the woods. We loose her for a couple minutes when the forest becomes dense, but we reach a small clearing and see her climbing up a tree. We all run down and create an ambush underneath her tree.

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