the Games; day two

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Last night, when I said I was dead, I meant that I was not on his GOOD SIDE.

That goes through my brain as I wake up in what I assume to be the afternoon. I see the stark light shining in my eyes, and I continually blink until I realize I am staring into the sun. I look away and blink to adjust my eyes. I don't want to blind myself in the beginning of the Games now, would I? I focus on a tree, its leaves swaying in the breeze. I watch it for a little while until the sound of heavy breathing reaches my ears. I look around and see that all of my fellow allies are alseep. Glimmer next to Cato on my right, and Peeta to my left. I look around a little more, but I still don't see Marvel. I sit up and continue to look, but don't end up seeing him.

I walk over to the Cornucopia and see that Marvel is barely awake, staring blankly into the remaining smolders of a fire that he had created the night before. I am concerned for him, because in whatever state he's in, it doesn't look to be a good one. I walk over and kneel next to him by the fire.

"Marvel," I say soothingly, shaking his shoulder, "Marvel, are you okay?"

He look over at me with lazy eyes that seem to stare past me. "Huh?"

"Did you even sleep last night?" I ask him. If he told me he did, I wouldn't believe it.

"No," he murmurs, "I was up throwing up all night. I don't even know what's gotten into me, but I couldn't even keep anything down."

I hear his stomach growl. I look down at the pile of food sitting next to him. "What did you eat last night?"

"Cato gave me some sort of berry he found last night. I think he wanted me to try it first before he did, so that way he'd know whether or not they're poisonous. He just told me they were really good." He says angrily.

I glare over where Cato would be, and just sit there a moment. "Don't trust anything he says. He is a lying jerk who would honestly do anything to win these Games. Don't trust anyone. Not even me. I mean, small things like guarding while you sleep, yeah, that's fine. But food, get your own. Because you never know what on earth is out here that someone wouldn't know."

He looks over at me, his eyelids hanging about halfway down his eyes. "Thanks, I'll try to remember that." He smiles.

"How about you get some sleep. Don't worry about your stomach. It may keep you up for a little while, but what you need is sleep. When you awaken, we'll give you a little food. We'll see if it'll stay down. I'll guard you and wake you if anything comes up."

He smiles, nods, and follows me to the back of the Cornucopia, and lays on a pile of blankets that we have stocked up. He thanks me and then lays down his head. He's instantly asleep, so I tip-toe out of the Cornucopia and walk out into the sunlight, an apple at hand.

I sit out at the mouth of the Cornucopia and scan the forest and meadow lines. I look through all of the spaces between the leaves in each direction twice, and then look around at the meadow, still chewing away at my apple. I continue to look around until I see something that stands out. I look back at it and see that the shape is a pair of eyes, staring at me through the tall grass. I don't want whoever this is to know that I am suspicious, so I continue to scan the rest of the meadow, then walk over to Peeta.

He lays there snoring slightly. I take my foot and give him one good shove.

He jolts awake, rolling out from under my foot, grabbing his spear, and pointing it at me. He is ready to throw it. I laugh at him and grab the spear.

"Relax, you idiot. It's only me. I need you to keep guard. I am going to go hunt someone down." I say quietly.

He tenses up. "Who is that?"

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