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I am prepped and ready for the Capitol. Cato and I look out the windows and watch as all of the bright colors flow right on by us in the blink of an eye. I like it. I try not to blink. 

Jayk and Boniface come out after us and tell us to meet up by the door of the train. Cato and I follow in silence. I don't know why, but it's now gotten awkward  between us. That's good. Now it'll be easier to kill him. 

We reach the door and Jayk does finishing touches to my hair. She makes it look like my hair has four bubbles on each side of my head, and as crazy as that may sound, it's not that bad. Nothing the Capitol wouldn't appreciate. I try to center myself as all of the commotion swells over me like a blanket. The whole ride here was peaceful, and now, you can hear the Capitol people screaming from a distance as to where we can't even see them yet. That's good, though. We're worthy of being cheered for. 

The past 24 hours consisted of me being sentimental. Well, sentimental to me, anyways. I need to get my head in the game. I need to beat out everyone in these next few days, including Cato. Just because we already have an alliance, doesn't mean we need to care for one another. I hold on to that sentence remembering that this is all just in the scheme of things, and I need to stay focused. I don't want to be a sissy that has feelings for everyone because feelings don't win the Games, now do they? They only make you a weaker person and don't allow you to do what you need in order to survive because you're too busy drooling over someone else's life. 

Forget it. I am stone. I am fierce. I will win these Games on brute force. Not feelings. 

The train pulls into the Capitol train station, and when it stops I don't even notice. From 250 miles per hour to 0 and I still don't feel it. Maybe the Capitol is more advanced than I thought. District Six must be getting the big bucks right about now. 

I see all of the bright, absurd colors in small blots. They all move around and I realize that those are the Capitol citizens. I almost laugh at the site. Capitol citizens may be our lawful leaders, but they seriously need a wardrobe change. Maybe something a little more reasonable. Maybe they all want to stand out. The only way to stand out in this crowd is to wear something normal.

I wait and watch until the train assisstants tell us we can leave. I look back and I see a Mute staring me down. I don't know why, maybe because I am strong enough to kill her with my hands. I look at her thinking I'm not the one that broke the law. Don't look at me like that.

As if she could read my mind, she takes a careful step back, eyes wide. Feeling satisfied, I look back at the doors that Cato and I are positioned in front of, our Mentors behind us. I look back just in time for the doors to slide open, and feel the noise almost force me down. The crowd has to go on for miles in this place, and all of them are cheering at the top of their lungs. The noise causes me to teeter slightly. I turn to Cato and realize that the noise has the same effect on him, too. His eyes are wide and staring all around. He looks surprised. This is the time to gain the upper hand. 

I throw my fist up in the air and smile as they all cheer for me. I hear them begin to chant my name, and the noise creates a vibration, pounding me back and forth between chants. I love it. I wave to all of them and they all throw me things like roses and hats and even a few precious jewels. I don't keep them though. When I win this thing, I will be rich enough to buy all of the precious jewels I want. But I don't want any. I can live without. 

We are escorted off of the train, which has to take about an hour, and then are lead into the Training Center. I am lead into a different hall than Cato on our floor, and then lead to a door. Jayk stops me at the door and says that this is my room. I nod and then silently go in as she walks down the hall, probably heading off to see her husband. I watch for a moment to make sure that no Mutes are giving me their stupid, silent stares, then I take the knife and the band and put it in the hood of the Capitol jacket, and fold it up. I hold it in my hands and then walk in. I see only a chair in the middle of the room. That's all. I'm guessing that means that I have to sit there. I walk over to the seat and sit down in it, testing it's comfortablness, which is outstanding, and then wait. 

They Call Me a Career-a Clove fanficWhere stories live. Discover now