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"N-Ne oppa" I just said.

Wtf? Yoora? Why are you stuttering? You look stupid!

The day ended with a lot of fun. I'll be lying if I said I didn't enjoy this day but it's just awkward for me and Bambam. Or maybe it's just me? Nevermind.

"Good night guys" Soohyun unnie said before switching off the lights.

Morning!! (Monday)

"Ringgggggggggg" oh! It's my alarm clock!

I check out the time and it's already 7:00! Holy------!!! School starts at 8:00!! I quickly got to the bathroom. Then go get my uniform. My unnies are already downstairs.

I almost run downstairs to eat my breakfast.

Where are my unnies?

I just ate cereals. Time check!! 7:56! Owemji! Okay I'm late! I still need to take a bus and it's already 7:56 so I'll just accept the fact that I am late.

I took a bus nearby and sat. Ugh! It's so boring! I took my earphones and my phone and listen to music.

"Bultaurene! Fireeeeee" I am currently listening to BTS Fire and I am trying my best not to sing along because I'll look stupid inside the bus. And finally I am here at school! And it's already 8:19.

"You're late!!" Mr. Choi shouted as expected. "So as you!" He pointed at my back. And...


Oh man holy------

It was Jungkook! How the hell I didn't notice that! Shit! He was right behind me and I didn't even notice it! Stupid!

"Both of you, detention after class!!" Holy crap! Why? Detention? With that jerk? Hell no!

We just both sat on our particular seats.

"Hi Yoora" Jaeung greeted. Ugh!

"Hi" I shortly replied. Two subjects are done and it's already time for our AM break. Mira and I went to the canteen just to see that there's nowhere to sit on. All tables are occupied. Ugh!


"Yoora! Sit here!" I heard a familiar voices said in chorus. Yep! 'voices'. I turned back and saw Jaeung and Jungkook glaring at each other.


"Oh wait. Whut the fuck guys?"

"Just sit here Yoora! Beside me!" Jaeung

"No! Sit here!" Jungkook. Why is he acting so nice today? What potion did he take to be like, this?

"Okay. I'm gonna sit....... there!" I pointed at the table not occupied not far here. The students that are there already went away.

Nice Yoora!

Mira and I finished our food so we're on our classroom already.

"Y-Yoora" Mira suddenly called me.

"Yes? Mira are you okay?" I'm worried bishes.

"I-I think I like J-Jin"




"Yah! Be quiet!"


"Good morning, class" the lecturer arrived.

"Good morning Mr. Park"

Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah. Nonsense! I already knew what he was discussing! Ugh! Boring!

HATE OR LOVE? | Jungkook ff Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt