Jin rolled his hips, flipping his faded pink hair while he licked those red plump lips, legs buckling underneath him and allowing him to drop it low, his ass poking out as he slowly rose back up, lips parted, eyes narrowed and being glued to one male, signaling him out and earning envious glares.

Jin quickly spun around, running his hand through his hair, getting on all fours and crawling the rest of the way, bringing his face close to the male lower than him, sitting on the couch. The man reached out and grabbed the white cloth, making Jin lower himself and lay on his back, one hand gripping his own shirt while the other let his fingers trail over his lips, crawling down his body seductively before reaching his crotch, biting his lip while slowly thrusting the air.

The man whistled as Jin sat up, striding over to the opposite side, removing the dress shirt and unzipping his pants, revealing his tight black boxers that held him well. He slipped his hand beneath his pants, acting like he was touching himself as some very....explicit lyrics were said through the music.

Jungkook quickly looked away, hand coming to cover his mouth which was still gaped in shock, cheeks a burning hot red, so hot it could out heat the sun. What the hell did he witness?! Jin was here, dancing for men twice his age, not studying in the first place? Jin probably told the truth about having a sugar daddy. It was probably one of the men down there watching him- wait.

Jungkook glanced back for a few seconds before looking away, feeling slight trust break off. Was...Jin ever going to school? Of course he was. Jungkook has dropped him off multiple times and had walked him home.

Did he...drop out to make more money?

"Surprised much?"

Jungkook gulped and closed his mouth, wiping it before nodding, eyes still wide with shock. Yoongi chuckled, checking his watch. "I've known your precious hyung for some time now. He knows that I know who he is. The notorious SJ is none other than your precious Kim Seokjin."

"Why...didn't he just tell me?"

Yoongi walked past Jungkook, stopping as their shoulders touched. "Being gay is shameful and looked down on enough. How do you think he feels about telling you? Probably scared of judgment, don't you agree?.... Aaaaahhhh. I need to tend to some things. Stay up here. There's a mini bar to the right. If anyone gives you shit, say you're Suga's guest. I need to get to work- oh." He placed a hand on Jungkook's lower back. "If a man approaches you by the name Hoseok, please don't freak out."

With that the blonde was out of sight in minutes, leaving a confused bunny standing there, trying his hardest not to look back at his hyung, scared to see anything else mentally scarring. He waddled over to the bar, sitting on a stool while hanging his head low, wanting to hit it against the counter hard.

"What can I get for you, sir- are you in the right place? This is a formal dressing-"

"I'm with Suga. Just give me something cheap," Jungkook muttered, placing his face in his hands, trying to get the image of Jin out of his head. Part of him was disgusted but not at the fact that Jin did what he did, no, but because he watched him do it. He grabbed the glass set in front of him, chugging it down fast, making an unpleasant face due to the burn in his throat.

What was happening with his life? First, he met the idol of his dreams, someone who helped him through many mental hardships, then that idol tried befriending him, said idol became a stalker, left his life then he found out about Jin's true nature during the night.

Is this why he wanted the morning shift? He probably gets more customers here at night than he would ever get at the coffee house.. Jungkook looked to his right, surprised to see a smiling man walking towards him.

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