~"No Need To Worry, I'm Here Now and That's All that Matters..."~

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I plopped my slim frame onto the bed, bringing my legs to my chest, and my (h/l) hair spread on the bed.

I thought and thought all night, not bothering to sleep.

Tsk tsk tsk, what am I to do about this..

**~~~In the Morning~~~**

As the sun had just rose from the horizon, I was still lying on the soft bed. I slowly got up, fixing my posture. Soon, I heard footsteps echoing through the halls.

"How troublesome.. making such a ruckus at such a peaceful time.." I mumbled quietly to myself, making my way to the door, as soon as I opened it, I saw a little girl, in nothing more than a beige blood stained dress, most likely around the age of 12 years old. "Are you alright sweetie? Are you lost?"

"H-Hide me.. Please! The m-master is going to be upset with me.." She pleaded, I sighed, I knew this was Zalgo's doing, I bent down and embraced the young girl, my hands going through her long black hair. Her pale complexity grew to a deathly white as she started shaking, trying to go the opposite direction. I looked behind me and saw the reason why the girl was afraid.

"Really Zally?" The girl hid behind me, gripping onto my legs, "She's only a girl, yet you still insist on torturing these children." I scolded, Zalgo looked at me with guilt in his eyes, he knew well that I didn't like when children especially were harmed.

"Well.. I.. Um.. " He paused for a moment before looking down. "I have no excuse, please forgive me my queen." I sighed.

"Its alright, I forgive you." I said before looking to the girl with dark hair. "Do you have any family you would like to return to? Or possibly a name?"

"U-Um.. No.. All of my life has been within these walls... Um.. M-my name is Ivy.." She stuttered, obviously nervous and unsure. I sighed, standing up straight.

"Well then, I will personally take care of you, and act as the role of your mother, please do not hold anything against Zally, and if he does say anything of threat, do not hesitate to inform me, ok honey?" I explained, a warm smile planted on my face. She nodded, I led her into my room to let her take a shower and give her some decent clothes.

A/N: ^^ Just imagine Ivy looks like that but with black hair instead of red

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A/N: ^^ Just imagine Ivy looks like that but with black hair instead of red

"Do you like this outfit Ivy?" I asked, her eyes sparkled as she looked into the mirror.

"Yes!! I love it! Thank you so much!" She exclaimed, I chuckled a bit. She reminds me of everyone else at the Slender Mansion, I kind of miss them.. maybe I could go visit them later today..

"Hey Ivy, would you like to go meet some of my friends? They live in the human realm within a forest."

"Sure! But do you think maste- I mean... Zalgo would let us go?" She asked, tilting her head slightly.

"Most likely, he's fine as long as I come back." I answered.

Time skip brought to you by.. ramen >:3

Zalgo was hesitant, but none the less let us go, at this point in time we were on our way to the Slender Mansion, it wasn't long before we were in front of the mansion, where we saw Sally and Splendorman playing outside.

"Y/N! Y/N! You're back!! What happened to Zalgo? Slendy was already planning a rescue mission.. You should go to him and explain.." Splendorman said, worried.

"No need to worry on such things, I came to visit, Zally is fine with me visiting you all, but he wants me to return later. And yes, I plan on talking to Slender after this." I explained.

"Do you wanna play with us Y/N?" Asked Sally, eagerly holding her bear out, and showing us her other toys spread around the yard.

"Maybe after on Salls? I have to talk to Slendy, is that alright with you?" I asked with a smile. She nodded, and I entered the mansion, nobody was in the hall or living room, so I assumed that they were all in their rooms or out someplace. I knocked on Slendy's office doors a couple times waiting until I heard something along the lines of, 'come in.' I entered, holding Ivy's hand. Slendy's 'eyes' widened before going back and forth from me, to her, and then back to me.

"Its ok Slendy, she's with me, she knows the consequences if she does attempt anything." I explained, Ivy just stood there silently, looking to me.

"I trust you Y/N, its just her I am worried about... Ill worry about that later though, how did you get away from Zalgo? Did he hurt you? I swear is he hurt you I'll-" I cut him off.

"He didn't hurt me, I am fine.." I let go of Ivy's hand.

"No Need To Worry, I'm Here Now and That's All that Matters."

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