~"Tsk Tsk Tsk, What Am I To Do About This..?''~

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"Why are you so sad? You took (N/N) from me before, it's my turn to take her from you." He said with a smirk, Slendy sent one of his tentacles toward him, but before it hit him, I used a spell to freeze everyone but for Zalgo and I.

"Apologies everyone, I have to go now, but I will visit you." I said gently with a smile. "You'll all be unfrozen when I leave, don't come for me, you'll only get hurt." I decided to speak in Zallys mind,

Shall We Go Zally?

He nodded gently before slightly tugging my hand, urging me to follow him. I went without hesitation, I trusted him not to hurt the children or myself, unless they angered him. As for myself? I could already tell he was infatuated with me, even when we were young. (What would young be for immortals, 500? Dunno.) But I only liked him as a trusted friend. I snapped out of my thoughts when we stopped, there was a mansion similar to the one that was in the Slenderwoods, but a bit different. We walked around the house to see a table, lit with candlelight.

 We walked around the house to see a table, lit with candlelight

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I didn't know what to say, I was speechless, I felt guilty.

"Do you like it my queen?" He asked, I snapped out of my guilt, 'queen' was another nickname he had given me over the years. Though this time just seemed different, I feared his intentions where elsewhere than friendship.

"It's beautiful Zally," I said sweetly, "but while we dine I must talk to you about certain matters that I feel are necessary to address." I added seriously, he gave me a look of concern.

"Yes my queen, but could it wait until after dinner? I would hate to ruin such a lovely night." I sighed, I guess it could wait. It is a lovely night indeed.

The night was wonderful, we ate, talked, danced, sang, and joked around with one another. It was refreshing, Slendy was always the more uptight one of the group, not that it was bad, but it was nice to.. 'let loose' as humans would call it. Time flew by, and we got tired of dancing after a few hours, and decided to retire to our respective rooms. Zally walked me to my room, and we stopped at my door.

"I had a lot of fun tonight Zally, thank you." I genuinely was greatful that he had spent time with me. Especially after so many years of keeping him waiting.

"It was my pleasure, my queen," he bowed jokingly and I laughed. We looked at each other in the eyes, and nodded. I opened the door to my room, I walked in and went into the shower.

~Time skip brought to you by Mickeyyy Mouse~

As I got dressed in a beautiful white sleeping gown,

 I plopped my slim frame onto the bed, bringing my legs to my chest, and my (h/l) hair spread on the bed

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I plopped my slim frame onto the bed, bringing my legs to my chest, and my (h/l) hair spread on the bed.

 I plopped my slim frame onto the bed, bringing my legs to my chest, and my (h/l) hair spread on the bed

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I thought and thought all night, not bothering to sleep.

Tsk tsk tsk, what am I to do about this..?

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