~"I Have a New Family"~

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Jeff's P.O.V.
"Remember now sweetie?" She asked, smiling with the same warm smile that I now remember.

"(Y/N)..?" I asked, unsure if she'd respond.. Why'd she leave me here?

"Yes Jeffery, it's me, and I'm back. I will explain everything once Slendy wakes up, how about we go and say hi to everyone?" She asked, I just stood there shocked. She saved me in more ways than one, I see her as my mother in some sort of way..

"Y-Yeah, lets go.."

And all I could think was..

She's Finally Back.. And I Remember Everything.
(Y/N)'s P.O.V.
We walked through the halls until we reached the stairs. I walked down the stairs with Jeff to find nobody. They must be asleep I thought as I immediately went to the kitchen to make some food for everyone. Waffles for Toby, cheesecake for Masky and Hoodie, kidneys for EJ, and candy for LJ.

"Everyone come down for dinner." I telepathically told everyone.

"Bet you 2 knifes that everyone's gonna come down with their weapons." Jeff stated as he sat at the table, already eating without everyone else.

"Sounds likely," I chuckled, "Knowing them they'll try to wake Slendy up, but that's exactly why I put a barrier around his room." I continued to wait for everyone to come down.

Liu P.O.V
'Who the hell said that? It didn't sound like slender.. but it sounded familiar,' I thought to myself as I quickly but quietly ran to Hoodie and Maskys room.

"Who the hell was that..?!?!" I asked them whispering.

"How the hell should we know..?!" Replied Masky. "Lets go find Toby, maybe we can go figure it out.."

Timeskip brought to you by Slendys hotness~

"It's been too long, and we can't get to slender, I say we attack." I suggested, the rest of the creepypastas surrounded me.

"But what about Jeff? We could use him..!" Said BEN. I hated to admit it, but she was right. We needed that smiling hot-headed Joker wannabe.

"We're gonna have to do without him." I simply explained.

Jeff's P.O.V.
"It's a miracle I've been this patient for those motherfuckers." I told (Y/N). She only giggled at my comment, she was already expecting them to attack her, and she was beyond ready. We waited for a bit longer before I counted down,




Anddd...... Now." At that moment creepypastas came from every direction with the intent to kill (Y/N). But before they could react, (Y/N) blocked every attack, without hurting any of them. All of them were either on the ground or against a wall.

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.
After peacefully stopping them, I touched every one of their foreheads, making them remember. All of it. They sat/stood in shock as forgotten memories flashed before them.

"(Y/N)!!!!!!!!!" They all screached, hugging my legs, some of them were crying. I bent down to hug them, telling them all words of comfort, I know how shocking it can be.

"Yada-yada-yada I know we all miss her, but can we please just finish our food?" Jeff interrupted, Jane was about to attack him but I put my hand on her shoulder. She looked at me, but I just smiled at her. She took a deep breath and sat down at the table. At that moment, Slender walked into the dining room, looking refreshed.

"Hey Slendy~" I said, playfully, his face lit up with red.

"Hey (N/N)~" he responded, I did the same as my face got redder. (N/N ~ nickname) Slendy got a lot of deathstares from the creepypastas at the table, after taking note of this, I cleared my throat gaining everyone's attention.

"So Slendy, would you like some food?" I asked, changing the subject.

"Sure, that would be delightful." He answered calmly. He sat next to me while eating, we laughed and joked until I remembered.

"Crap." I said, this got everyone's attention, "Be right back guys, I forgot to replenish Sally's memory, and wake her up." I said, everyone nodded. I teleported to the room Sally was in and touched her forehead, giving her back her memories. As soon as I did that, I woke her up.

"Sally, honey?" I asked sweetly, gently shaking her.

"Hm....? (Y/N)...?" She paused for a moment,
"(Y/N)!!!!!!!" I chuckled at the little girls reaction.

"Yes honey, I'm here." I said, smiling warmly.

"Wait.... Didn't you erase my memory?" She asked, scratching her head.

"Well yes, but, well, I'll explain it once we go downstairs to everyone." I explained simply.

"Okie dokie!" Giggled Sally. I read Sally's thoughts,

'I have a new family...'

You and I Against the Worldजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें