The Contract

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"Kiki do you love me? Are you riding?" A happy singing J Hope came to join you guys but as soon as he saw a very serious scene, he drove his Drake car in reverse gear.
Meanwhile every member got an email about their newed contract from their company. Everybody had to read it together and discuss. Yoongi came to call Jimin. As he reached there he saw you talk in a very serious mood. He thought of waiting for him so he stood there and accidentally listened the conversation.
"Isn't this too early? "
"I know what must be going through your mind and I wanted to wait a little longer to tell you but then I just couldn't. I had to tell you. I was dying inside. Please don't be mad at me" He confessed.
"Jimin, I'm not mad at you. Its just that I don't believe in love and stuff. I'm really sorry for giving you hope. But love is just not me." You said.
His heart almost broke. "Please think about it."
"Jimin, can you please drop me home? I want to rest."

Jimin came back home and went straight to his room only to find Yoongi waiting there on his bed reading something in his laptop.
"Hyung? What happened?" He asked.
"Can we go for a drive?" He demanded.
"Right now? Its late and I'm tired. It wasn't a good day." He was sad.
"I want to talk to you. C'mon get ready and get your coat its chilly outside." He went to take his coat.

You both drove to the Han river.
"What is it hyung?" Jimin was curious.
"So the company sent a renewed contract." Yoongi said.
"That's a good news. More years with my brothers. I love you hyung."
"I know and I do too, that's why I wanted to talk to you." He said.
"Hm? I'm always listening to you hyung."
"I was coming to call you to read the contract together with us but you seemed to be in the middle of a very important conversation so I didn't disturb you but I accidentally listened to it. Are you okay?" He said.
"I'm not. I love her but she said she doesn't believe in love. I don't know what to do." He said sadly.
"Yeah well that's not just it. Its more painful but one of the conditions of the contract reads that you can't date anyone until the release of the next two albums. Means more than one year." He let out the truth.
"No this can't be it. I love her how am I supposed to do that." He said almost breaking.
"Jimin love isn't about holding someone sometimes. Its also about letting go of them when its good for that person and you too." Yoongi said.
"But...why is it so hard?" Jimin was frustrated.
"Its your call Jimin. What you really wanna do? Sign the contract and forget her and focus on the career. Or wait for her to come forever."

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