6. On my bucket list

Start from the beginning

"Well your assumption that he is Neal Caffrey landed us in JAIL"

"Who the hell is Neal Caffrey?"

"You know, Neal Caffrey? White Collar? Don't tell me you haven't even heard of White Collar" now my hands were on my hips and eyes were narrowed.

He simply shook his head looking lost.

"God! I have never regretted anything in my life ever. Not when I filled James' school bag with water. Not when I egged Ash's house. Not when I pulled Mel's fake extensions and stuck a bubblegum in it, not when I drenched dad's files with ink. Not when I burnt Sasha's favorite skirt. Not when I filled Ryan's whisky bottle with appy and water. Not when I left my neighbor's dog by itself after which it ran away. Not when I smashed some tomatoes and convinced my mom it was sauce. Not" My confession session was interrupted by a very deep rumble of laughter. I narrow my eyes and point at him "But you, I regret even meeting you, and you don't even know who Neal Caffrey is."

At that, any hint of laughter vanished from his face and he looked away with a very serious expression on his face. And that ladies and gentlemen is how you make your already disastrous day a catastrophe.

At times I said things I didn't mean and this was one such time. I don't regret meeting him. Hell if it wasn't for the horrible day, I would be celebrating the occasion of striking off another thing on my bucket list.

Don't look at me like that, so what if I had some hideous things on my list?

"Hotzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Nick I am sorry ok? I didn't mean it. It's just I don't know. I..." great now I am just rumbling. Explaining is not going to work. It never did, it never will. I am kind of hopeless when it comes to expressing. So, I went for the option that always worked I stood a little straighter, let go of the bars moved towards Hots... I mean Nick, keeled before him and looked him straight in the eye. He looked at me with a stoic expression but I just smiled a little

"I am sorry. I really am. I don't regret meeting you. I didn't mean what I said. For the record getting arrested is on my bucket list."

"That's fine but, I was just thinking about my phone that I left back... wait what? You have going to jail on your bucket list?" he asked with a very confused expression. Ah! How can I explain the amazing wishes and hopes of the AWESOME Riya to mere mortals?

"Yaa I mean, actually, hmm hehee, I can't really explain but getting arrested is on my bucket list not rotting in it. Now I can add a new one and strike it off too."

Today is just not my day. I sighed and sat beside him maintaining a respectable distance.

"You are really weird. Anyway you don't have to explain your rants. I know that you don't regret meeting me. In fact, I have inkling that you rounded off yesterday with a red marker and stuck a note that read 'best day of my life'."

"More like pink day." I rolled my eyes, he really was self-obsessed.

"What is a pink day?" he asked confused.

"You know how people go on and on and on about black days, I think that is not fair I mean what has black ever done to anyone in its life, the poor thing gets attached to all the bad things in the world. So, I am just doing it a favor and shifting a little burden over to pink," I said grinning. Color black should be eternally grateful to me.

"What? From where do you come up with stuff like this? And what has pink ever done to YOU, hypocrite?" he asked chuckling.

"I am not a hypocrite OK. Pink and I have been arch enemies ever since I was a teenager. Going with stereotypical girl baby-pink room, my dad filled my childhood with pink. Initially it was fine and up to a certain age even I had that 'I love pink' phase but after few years I had a feeling that it started mocking me and appeared everywhere I went. Ever since then I hated it with passion. And I may or may not love black so..." he had a very amused smile on his face but just asked "What is your favorite color?"

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