"No." Allen said.

"Oh." Stella said guiltily. "So I just ruined his image?"

"Pretty much." I said.

"Well, darn." She said.


"Cross?" I asked.

"Yes?" He answered.

"This isnt my fault, is it?" I asked.

"For once," He said. "No."

"Good." I said. "So who's fault is it?"

"I have no idea." He said. "But, you've been with me all day so you couldn't have possibly caused this disaster."

"That's nice to know." I said. "No will you please put me down, Tykky!" I beat on his back as Cross sighed from his position in chains behind us.

"Aw, but the Earl especially invited you two to tea." Tykky said.

"Well, if it's tea..." Cross said sarcastically.

"What kind?" I asked seriously.

"Earl Grey." Tykky answered. Cross' eyes widened.

"One, you can't be serious!" He exclaimed.

"But, it's Earl Grey." I whined childishly. "Will we have clotted cream and jam on scones?"

"I'm sure we can arrange that!" Road said grinning.

"So, who else has the Earl invited?" I asked.

"Just a couple of others." Tykky said. "No one that you haven't met before."

"You kidnapped Allen, haven't you?" I asked.

"Well actually, Lulubell went after them." Road informed me. I sighed. That's just great!

Bummer for you.

"Oh shut up." I whined. They all looked up at me. "Noah, in my head. Annoying."




Allen and Kanda were surprisingly quiet right now. I looked over at them to see them mulling over something. I wonder what. Probably Lavi. I mean, if his name wasn't real, was his personality? I sighed. I wish someone would gete out of here. I have nothing to do. We were going to get a mission and everything, but nooooo! One had to go run off and the three of us were labeled as risks.

A knock sounded on the door. "Come in." I muttered. The door opened and I saw a familiar face. "Stark! Thank God! Help me!" He held a finger to his lips before looking down the hallway. He motioned for all of us to follow. Kanda and Allen looked at each other before standing up and rushing with me through the door. Sweet freedom!

Stark lead us out of the Order without being detected. "Yes!" I exclaimed giddily while jumping around. "Finally out of the hell-hole!" Stark shrugged.

"I'm going to Nectar Toast." He said. I grinned.

"I'm coming! I want to say hi to Terresa." I said.

"Maybe another time." A voice called out. "The Earl would like to see all of you for tea." I turned around and groaned. I pointed at the sky.

"Curse you!" I yelled. Stark seemed to share my distaste of the situation.

D.Gray Man: Appearance of the White Order --Discontinued--Where stories live. Discover now