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Today was another boring day at school for Y/N, but her brother, Dylan, was having the time of his life watching Y/N be bored in their fifth period class together.

"Attention all teachers and students, lock your classrooms, there is an intruder somewhere in the school and we're pretty sure they ha-", The announcements were cut short by the sound of a gun shot.

Y/N's head shot up and immediately looked for her brother. The teacher motioned for everyone to be quiet and slid them up against the wall. Dylan engulfed Y/N in his embrace and they were huddled together so the shooter wouldn't see them.

Dylan could feel his sisters hot tears staining his shirt but he didn't care. The sound of gunshots rang out against the walls and everyone flinched. The sound of glass being broken was heard across the school since it was dead quiet.

There was another gunshot. The tears stopped coming from Y/N, Dylan wrapped his arm around her waist to comfort her but pulled away once he felt the warm liquid come from her shirt to his hand.

"No", Dylan whispered, almost to himself.

"No no no no no", Dylan repeated.

The teacher looked to him in worry. Then she saw that Y/N's shirt was stained a deep red color. She ran over to Y/N and wrapped some extra gauze around her waist. The least everyone could do was pray. Pray that they would be alright.

Finally after waiting an hour, the police came and Y/N was taken to the hospital. The ambulance wouldn't let him ride with her.

"I'm her fucking brother let me ride!", Dylan screamed, fear and panic filled his voice.

They finally let him ride

Y/N ended up okay, she had a lot of blood lost though so she had to stay in the hospital for a week. Dylan and Y/N didn't go to school for a week.

omg i'm sorry i didn't know how to end this¿- Captain🍄

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