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Namjoon felt as if he was on cloud nine. It was as if the world disappeared around them and only a gust of love remained about. They were practically glued onto each other until the need of oxygen became a nuisance. Jin was the one to split them apart as he panted heavily and rested his forehead against the younger's.

"Namjoon-ah," Jin whispered as his eyes locked onto Namjoon's. The younger felt himself falling deep into the older's enchantment. Jin let a light blush splatter on his cheeks as he confessed, "I like you."

And as Namjoon felt his heart skip a beat, the younger smiled so large that one could see happiness sparkling in his eyes as he said, "I like you too, Jin-hyung."

Both teens were absolutely smitten.


"Hy-hyung?" Namjoon stuttered in surprise as he felt the older slither his hand into Namjoon's. He looked up to see Jin grinning while looking at the front of the class where the teacher was teaching them about derivatives. Namjoon looked back down at their entangled fingers underneath the table and felt a small smile developing on his lips.

Jin saw the younger grinning and gave his hand a gentle squeeze. He laughed silently as he saw Namjoon look back at him with wide eyes. They stared at each other for a second before Namjoon blushed and turned away before Jin could get him anymore flustered than he already was.

The older felt the urge to coo at how adorable Namjoon looked when he was all flushed and whispered a quiet, "Cute."

Namjoon seemed to have heard him, though, as his blush only intensified.


"Welcome, Seokjin," Namjoon's mother smiled warmly at the older boy that Namjoon dragged inside his house.

Jin bowed respectfully at her while saying, "Good afternoon, Mrs. Kim."

Just as Jin got his shoes off, Namjoon grasped onto his hand and tugged him up the stairs towards his room while shouting over his shoulder, "We're gonna be in my room, Mum. Tell us when dinner's ready!"

Namjoon's mother watched the two boys go as she shook her head, unsurprised. A small smile was on her face as if she already knew what they had planned to do.

"Joonie, what's with the rush?" Jin asked, almost out of breath as they finally made it inside his bedroom.

Namjoon swallowed away his nerves as a blush crept up his face, "Um, well, I wanted to show you something."

"And what would that be?" Jin asked, his eyes narrowing suspiciously but alight with joy.

The younger grinned and pulled Jin gently over to his computer. He clicked a couple of keys before a soft melody began to play. It was a love song. A love song that Namjoon made for Jin.


"Happy birthday, Jinnie!" Namjoon shouted enthusiastically. He beamed as eighteen-year-old Jin wrapped his arms around Namjoon. The older felt the younger's rapid heartbeat against his own and knew he couldn't wish to spend his birthday with anybody else.

Jin chuckled and pulled back to peck Namjoon on the lips, "Thanks, Joonie."

Namjoon grinned, teeth shining in all their glory, and then he leaned back in for another kiss. This one was a lot deeper and passionate compared to others that they've shared. It's as if Namjoon poured his entire heart into one kiss, and Jin could surely feel all of the emotions that Namjoon recited to him with his lips. The older pulled the younger closer until they stumbled onto his bed.

With a messy clash of tongue and teeth, the heat in the room only elevated. Before either of them knew it, both shirts were tossed to the opposite side of the room. Skin grazed skin as Jin entangled his fingers in Namjoon's locks. The younger let his lips lock onto a sensitive patch Jin's skin on his collarbone that had the older gasping.

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