"But Jin-hyung, it's raining!" Namjoon cried out as the older tugged on his arm. Seven-year-old Namjoon dug his heels into the carpet as Jin grunted and continued to pull him helplessly towards the door.

"But I wanna play outside with you!" Nine-year-old Jin whined.

Namjoon pulled himself free and stomped his foot down. Jin huffed and looked at him, annoyed. Namjoon saw Jin huff in annoyance and then guiltily looked at the floor. He glanced up to see Jin pouting sadly before sighing. Jin looked at Namjoon as he muttered, "Fine, but let me at least put on my raincoat."

"Yay!" Jin jumped up in excitement as Namjoon went off to pull on the bright yellow raincoat.


Ten-year-old Jin struggled with his arms full of snacks as he waddled into his room where Namjoon lay cuddled in his makeshift bed on the floor. Jin dropped everything onto the floor and gestured for Namjoon to crawl closer. He sat himself on the ground and Namjoon scooted up to the point where the snacks were in front of him.

"Isn't this too much stuff?" Eight-year-old Namjoon asked as he warily eyed the amount of junk food. Let's just say that Namjoon liked to eat his fruits and veggies.

Jin, who wasn't as big on the whole veggies ordeal, rolled his eyes sassily and shook his head, "No, if anything, this isn't enough. We have to have a lot of snacks if we want to have the perfect sleepover."

"If you say so," Namjoon shrugged his shoulders and picked up a bag of chips.

Jin grinned in triumph and picked up a bag of teddy bear gummies.


"It's okay, Jin-hyung. I'm sure they just made a mistake, "Nine-year-old Namjoon said as he sat on the curb next to Jin patting his shoulder in comfort.

Jin sniffled, trying to hold back his tears and pretend that he wasn't hurt by the whole ordeal when in reality, his hopes and dreams were crushed. Eleven-year-old Jin cleared his throat and pitifully spat, "They didn't make a mistake, Joonie. My Hogwarts letter really isn't coming like Dad said it wouldn't."

Namjoon gave his hyung a side hug as it hurt him to see Jin so down. In hopes of cheering him up, he said optimistically, "Hey, when my letter comes, maybe I can sneak you with me? By the time they notice you're there with me, it'll be too late for them to send you back home."

Jin looked at the younger's hopeful face and found himself too weak to break Namjoon's hopes and dreams as well because he knew if his letter didn't come, then neither would Namjoon's. Jin forced a small smile as he reached up and ruffled the younger's hair, "Thanks, Joonie. 'Preciate it."

Namjoon grinned, happily proud of his success.


Ten-year-old Namjoon swung his legs back and forth as he waited for Jin to arrive. No later than sooner, Jin took his designated spot next to Namjoon on the playground they met at. Namjoon smiled at twelve-year-old Jin who smiled back at him.

"So, this is it?" Namjoon said as he looked out at the playground.

Jin sighed and looked outwards as well, "Joonie, it won't be long before you join me at junior high. You already skipped one grade, so we'll only be apart for one year. I won't be surprised if you skip another grade, actually. Besides, we'll still see each other outside of school. Gotta keep having those sleepovers until we have the absolutely perfect one."

"But hyung, nothing is perfect," Namjoon stated.

"Nothing except the most perfectest sleepover in the entire world!" Jin corrected.

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