"I know, but thanks anyway. I'll see you later. I'll bring him by when he's calmer."

"Good." Romulus tossed out. "Then I can kick his ass on equal terms. He was sloppy." Arion just shook his head and left.

"Don't you ever go head to head with a feral vampire like that again," Romulus said in the silence that followed Arion's exit. Lyra took a deep breath, trying to push down the desire that was coursing through her.

"I knew what I was doing."

"You understood that he came close to ripping out your throat then?" Romulus said harshly. She looked at him silently. "You did know." he realized, his own fear not abating. "There was no fear coming from you."

"We already knew she was suicidal, Rome." Antares soothed, letting his arms fall so that his hands rested on her hips.

"That wasn't about me being suicidal." she objected. "That was someone attacking my family and that doesn't happen without a retaliatory response. Besides, if I had backed away, his predatory instincts would have had him pouncing."

Romulus opened his mouth then closed it. "Dammit." he looked at Antares. "She's right. He would have jumped at her. I didn't even think about that."

"Since we're on the subject of things you haven't thought of, what was he talking about when he said you guys hadn't told me?"

Romulus sat down on the bed. "Come here." he invited, gesturing. Antares went forward then stopped when she didn't move.

"What haven't you guys told me?" she repeated.

"If you'll come sit, I'll explain. For crying out loud, I'm not going to do anything." he snarled when she hesitated. She sat on the bed, her hands nervously gripping the cover. Antares slowly paced, trying to push his instincts back down. Romulus looked at him, "Can you sit?" he inquired softly. Antares shook his head.

"That isn't a good idea right now with both of you on the bed. I didn't finish what I was in the middle of and I don't know if..." he trailed off with a pained expression. Romulus kept a neutral expression. "If I could keep myself from hurting either of you." Antares finished.

"Oh, that's bullshit," Lyra said impatiently, holding out her hand. "You aren't going to hurt us."

"I almost did." Antares pointed out, taken back. Romulus suppressed a smile and leaned against the headboard to watch the byplay, the fear easing.

"Keyword there, gorgeous? Almost," she replied, still holding out her hand. At a loss, Antares looked at Romulus, who shrugged, amusement dancing in his eyes.

"She has a point," he said simply. Antares growled and Romulus' smile broke free. "We don't know how you would have acted if Remus hadn't come in."

"I thought he said he was called Romanus now," Lyra said. Romulus rolled his eyes.

"He can change his name all he likes, he'll always be my little brother and my little brother's name is Remus. The point is he came in and provoked a possessive response from you, Antares. You won't hurt me or her."

"Intentionally," Antares muttered darkly. Lyra snapped her fingers and held out her hand. Giving in, he took it and sat next to her. Then linked his other hand with Romulus. A part of him settled, but the incubus instincts clawed at him.

"He isn't convinced, but we can work on him later," Romulus said mentally to Lyra. She looked at both of them but avoided direct eye contact.

"So what aren't you telling me?" she asked.

"Simply put, we're cursed," Romulus said. Antares shook his head.

"I'm cursed and Rome is what stands between me and madness." he corrected.

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