My head clears slightly and I am brought back to one of the matches in the pits. I couldn't remember when but I could vividly recall the beautiful tanned girl in the arena who bit off her opponent's ear. Yes, I definitely remember her.

"Sergeant Atmos sent me to get you ready for tonight's ball where you will be presented as an official fighter," She flashes me a set of perfect white teeth and pulls me up.

I wobble slightly but she is stronger than she looks and she leads me through a set of glass doors that lead to an open courtyard.

"That was our medical facility. It's mainly for the fighter's recoveries after their matches but the paramours use it too for" She trails off looking unsure of herself. "Other things."

I cast her a suspicious glance which she promptly ignores.

"I'm sure Sergeant Atmos has shown you the recreation room and cafeteria. We will get you ready in your room today," She quickly changes the subject.

Once we get to my room, she makes me sit on the bed and then she goes to the washroom. I hear the sound of water running and I want nothing more than to collapse onto the bed and sleep.

I yawn loudly and am about to fall against the soft material beneath when three girls prance in. Two of them are human and the one in the middle is Plutonian. Her silver hair is slicked back revealing a wide forehead and wide set eyes that stare at me calculatedly.

"Is that what I have to work with?" She asks Asta who has emerged from the bathroom.

Asta's nods her head and a flicker of disappointment crosses the Plutonian's features.

"Why do I always get the hardest jobs," She grumbles and I try to hide my anger. It's not like I want her to get me ready anyway.

"Girl's get her scrubbed up and cleaned," She instructs as she walks up to me. She then pinches her nose and lifts my gown all the way up my thighs. I flinch at the contact and quickly move away.

She looks up at me in surprise. "What? No one's ever touched you before?"

I am too stunned to reply. Was I supposed to have been touched there before? Among st the long hours of menial work, feeling hungry,angry and tired from the lack of sleep and plotting my escape, being touched like that by another has never once crossed my mind.

"Should I have been?" I snap in irritation and then my eyes widen in shock. Shit, I should not have done that. Now I was going to be punished for talking back to a Plutonian.

But she doesn't take out a taser gun, instead she just laughs.

"She's feisty. I like that. We'll go for the pure, untouched look for you tonight. The men would love that," She says while she studies my face.

I am dragged off by the two humans before I can ask what she means. Why do I have to impress the men? I'm not a paramour.

I squirm and writhe in the water while they scrub me all over until my skin is raw. Thankfully I am only half conscious because they don't hold back as they touch me everywhere, cleaning me from head to toe. They then squirt some liquid over their hands and rub it all over my legs. They wash it off with warm water and I stare in awe at my now hair free legs that gleam under the white lights.

They do the same almost all over my body, in places I didn't even realize I had hair.

Once I am done, they towel me dry and place me in a robe. They bring me outside and fiddle with my hair and face for nearly an hour. Asta and the Plutonian stand by the side, occasionally giving instructions and some input regarding my appearance.

PlutonianOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz