We all sat around the circular table, munching on pizza and drinking either water or soda. I stuck to water, knowing that the sugar wouldn't help the headache that had yet to go away. After eating, we had moved back to the couch. We kept a steady conversation going and it was nice having our own space with no time restraints.

As I was leaving the living room to give Evelyn a bath, Jensen and Kai decided to head across the hall and go to bed for the night. It was past nine, later than I wanted Evelyn to be up, but she took a late nap so I wasn't worried. I bid goodbye, hugging each of them tightly with promises to see them the next day.

"I'll be in the bathroom." I told Jasper as he cleaned up the kitchen, throwing away plates and the pizza box.

I walked into Evelyn's bedroom, turning into her en suite, flicking the light on. I set her on the plush rug, turning to open the faucet to a luke warm temperature. I stripped Evelyn, throwing her clothes in the hamper and her diaper in the trash. I added bubbles to her bath and slowly lowered her in. She kicked happily as the water rose to belly button level. I turned the faucet off and slowly ran the wash cloth over her skin, warming her up.

I rubbed the baby shampoo through her hair, the strands were slowly getting longer. Hopefully I could get all of her hair in a ponytail soon, or maybe a braid. I admired her bright blue eyes and rosy cheeks as she played with the handful of toys that we kept in the tub. After I finished rinsing her off and the water was getting cold, I pulled the drain and lifted her out of the tub. I wrapped a fluffy towel around her and walked into her bedroom where I could lay her on the changing table.

I dried her off fully, putting a night time diaper on her before I rubbed lotion over her small body. Since it was getting into winter, even LA's version, the air had gotten drier. I always worried that she would get a rash or a dry spot, so I was careful to put lotion on her every night. I dressed her in a fuzzy sleeper as her eyes began to droop. I ran a small comb through her hair, parting it and watching as the ends curled lightly.

Picking her up gently, I sat in the rocking chair, holding her closely. She snuggled into my chest, sighing contently. I heard Jasper's footsteps make their way down the hall as he leaned on the door frame of her bedroom. He smiled softly in the dim light of the lamp on the table next to the rocking chair. I glanced down to see Evelyn sleeping already so I stood up cautiously and walked over to the crib.

I placed her down slowly, moving my hands gently so it didn't jostle her. I felt Jasper wrap his arm around my waist, the other supporting his weight on the crib railing.

"She's so beautiful." He murmured in my ear, neither of our eyes leaving her sleeping form. I reached down and covered her with a blanket as she rolled slowly and stuck her thumb in her mouth.

"She really is." I agreed, leaning into his side. "That's going to be a hard habit to break though."

"She's a baby, she's ok." Jasper promised, still watching her.

"I think we can call her a toddler now." I admitted, slowly turning to look at him. "She's walking, well on her way to talking, and she's so independent. Makes my heart hurt."

"I know, she'll always be my baby though." Jasper finally looked at me, his blue eyes clear and full of love.

"Me too." I smiled, leaning over and flicking the lamp off. I tugged on Jasper's hand, leading him out Evelyn's room and into ours.

When I glanced down the hallway, the living room and kitchen were dark. The only light came from the small lamp next to the kitchen sink that we left on every night. I felt warmth spread across my stomach as the homey feeling flooded my system. I continued into our room and closed the door, turning on the baby monitor that sat on our dresser.

The Act of Forgivenessحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن