Chapter 17

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Valda's gash hurt but the medics had said she'd heal, scar, but heal nonetheless. They had given her pain medication of course but it didn't help the pain of knowing her friendship was officially over with. After the trial Sybil would probably never be seen again even if she was allowed to live. Never would she have thought any of this would happen to her. Back before this their friends would all joke Sybil would be the one most likely to kill someone but it had all just been a running joke because she'd always worn black and never really cared much about things... Now an Avenger was dead because of her.

Sybil had murdered a hero... Valda had felt sick when she'd been informed of what happened. She almost hoped she'd never have to see the dark haired girl again. Of course, there was that pull to go to the cell she was held in. Valda wanted to know the truth behind why Sybil had did this. Why her best friend would suddenly turn into a monster.

She slowly got to her feet and limped out of her room. It was awkward to open the door with her non dominant hand but she managed in the end and continued her limping down the hall. Turning several corners and taking an elevator to the correct floor before once again navigating corners brought her to the door. Behind that door would be Sybil. She wasn't even sure the prisoner could talk. Perhaps they'd chained her and covered her mouth so she couldn't cast spells or anything.

"Or maybe I'm making excuses so I don't have to go in there and face that monster Loki created out of my friend."

She finally opened the door and walked down the short hallway, nodding a greeting to the guards, before coming to a small, dimly lit room where Sybil was currently leaning against the back wall of her cell. The dark haired girl barely spared her a glance but Valda knew she was being watched... She could feel the hatred like it was a physical presence.

"What do you want? You shouldn't be talking with a criminal you know." Sybil's voice held venom and her eyes finally met Valda directly.


"I'm afraid you'll have to be more specific." Chains rattled as the prisoner stood up and stepped closer. "Why did I kill an Avenger? Why did I leave? Why did I betray you? Why did I side with Loki?"

"All of it!" Valda snarled, starting to regret coming into the room. It hurt to see her friend's emotionless smirk at her pain.

"I'll admit... at first it was to keep you and my family safe..." Sybil's voice sounded like the one Valda once knew but... it only lasted a second before it returned to the cold, unfeeling tone. "But then I learned... Sentiment really doesn't get you anywhere. It holds you back. It causes pain. So, you get rid of things you care about... throw them away and destroy them. Loki might've experimented on me, turned me into something other than human, but at least he can teach me to become stronger; to dispose of sentimental things like you."

She flinched back before turning away from the cell and walking out; only looking back to throw one last comment over her shoulder. "Don't worry. There isn't any sentiment- let alone friendship- here anymore. You're on your own."

Valda nearly ran into Thor as she stepped out into the hallway. She jolted to a stop before backing up quickly and looking up at the Asgardian. "Sorry."

Thor's gaze looked over her head towards the now closed door leading to Sybil's cell before looking down at her. "It is not wise to waste your time with mad men."

"She was my friend!" The snappy response escaped before she could stop it.

His voice sounded like he pitied her. "Maybe once but I am afraid she is no longer the comrade you once knew."

"...What's going to happen to her...?"

"I will be taking both Loki and Sybil to Asgard to be tried for their crimes against Earth."

"But Sybil isn't from there! Why can't she stay here?"

"She is not human anymore and my father should see she is dealt with in a place that can handle it." He placed a hand on her shoulder as if trying to reassure her. "You are allowed to join me if you wish but know she will never be allowed free from the punishment Odin deems fit for her."

"I want to go." Valda let out a long breath, calming herself, and looked the Avenger in the eyes. "I want to be there, to know what her fate will be."

"Very well." Thor backed off and dropped his hand. The solemn expression was still on his face however. "Do not speak against the Allfather's judgement or wander off. Nothing you say will change his mind and you must respect Asgard's ways as I have accepted how things work here on Earth, understand?"

Valda nodded mutely. What if she was going to Asgard- an entirely different realm- only to watch her friend be put to death? Still, she couldn't just have this be a Schrödinger's Cat situation; with her assuming Sybil was alive but imprisoned because she couldn't see her or equally that Sybil was dead so she couldn't see her. Valda was the type of person who needed to see the ending to things like this... no matter how hard the results might be.

She noticed Thor was walking away and hurriedly caught up. "Wait, when do we leave?"

"Soon. Once we land I shall contact Heimdall... Then we will take the prisoners to Asgard." Thor only paused long enough to look back at her and respond before leaving.

She stared after him. Despite the dire situation Sybil was in; seeing Asgard- going to Asgard- would be an exciting experience... Although, she did wish she could've had a happier reason for going in the first place. 

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