Chapter 16

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Sybil stood silently. Loki had put her on guard duty and by now she knew better than to speak back or complain about his commands... not that this one was too bad. It was just really... really... boring. She was starting to wonder if there was even a threat coming their way; surely the Avengers would've shown up by this point if they knew where Loki was hiding, right?

"They will be here shortly." Loki's voice surprised her but she didn't turn to look at him approach. His footsteps came to a halt a short distance behind her. "This time we will finish it."

"Of course." Her tone was blank but she tightened her grip on her scythe in anticipation. "I won't hold back."

"See to it that you don't."

She heard him walk off once more and continued to stare out of the hole in the wall. Shards of glass still stuck up in jagged spikes in places of the rusted, bent frame that was once a window. The minutes continued to tick by. The sun slowly slid across its path in the sky above. Sybil began feeling hungry but didn't leave her post; hunger wasn't as important as the possibility of failing was. Besides, it wasn't like she'd starve or anything.

Darkness fell over the area and the shadows inside stretched further, covering her in their cold grasp. Not that she minded, nothing was as cold as she was- being part frost giant now- but it was getting boring just sitting around waiting. Loki had to be joking if this was 'shortly' for him. The whole day had gone by without the Avengers showing up! Sybil scowled and twitched in her place, wondering if she should just leave her post for a break, but refrained herself as a strange ripple disturbed the night sky above: S.H.I.E.L.D. had arrived.

"Loki." Sybil whirled away from the broken window and teleported down to the main floor of the warehouse. "The Avengers are here."

The Asgardian stepped out of a side room and strode over to her in his typical superior fashion. "As expected... Come, let's not keep them waiting."

She followed after him quietly, glad something was finally happening after a day of nothing. The Avengers were already walking in their direction with Iron Man and Thor in the lead. Sybil caught a glimpse of Valda near the back of the group but averted her gaze just as quickly and continued to observe them as a whole. Loki gave her the signal to wait before walking into their line of sight with his confident stride.

"Well look who it is. My brother and his friends." Loki sneered.

"Loki, stop this." What is the point to all of this fighting?" The Avengers came to a stop but Thor took a few steps closer.

Loki straightened and gave his adoptive brother a condescending look. "To prove I have a right to rule just as much as you do. It is my birthright."

"We defeated you once and we will again. This time you don't even have an army to back you up." Hawkeye spoke up from where he stood, an arrow ready to fire in his bow.

"I don't need an army. Not when I have someone more powerful and competent than the chitauri."

Sybil took that as her que to join him outside and walked out to take her place on his right. She could feel the dislike rolling off the Avengers as well as Valda's gaze searing into her; of course she didn't pay any attention to it. Her mouth twisted into a smirk as she looked at them. This would be fun.

Iron Man shifted, ready to fight if either attacked. "I don't see anything too special about her. Just another threat like you."

"Oh... well, I guess you would say that... Considering I was going easy on all of you." She tilted her head to the side, keeping an innocent voice and wicked grin. "It's going to be even easier to defeat you without Cap around. One soldier down already and the real fight hasn't even started."

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