Chapter 8

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Sybil woke up groggily and tried sitting up only to be held down by straps on her wrists and legs, confusion took over her and she tried to make out where she was but the small room told her nothing. There must've been a hidden camera in the room though because a serious looking man walked into the room a few seconds later, an eye patch covering one eye. That was when she realized where she was, S.H.I.E.L.D. Sybil hoped this man wasn't about to try experimenting on her and cutting her up like Loki said these people did.

"Do you know who you are?" The man asked, getting straight to the point of why he was there.

Sybil nodded, not trusting her voice just yet.

"Do you remember anything that happened before waking up here?"

She didn't think 'yeah, Loki told me to gain your trust before killing you' was the right answer so she lied. "No, just that I was going home from a park and was attacked... after that I woke up here... How do I know you didn't attack me?"

"S.H.I.E.L.D. saves people." The man told her. "Your friend is waiting for you to wake up."

"Valda?" She perked up and glanced at the door. "I thought she might've been killed or captured too."

"Valda is fine."

"Can I see her?" Sybil asked as she gave her restraints a distasteful look.

"After a few more questions."

"I'm not answering any more questions until I know who you are and why I'm tied up." Her attitude came out as she scowled at him.

"Director Fury." He replied with a tone that said he didn't like her answer. "We had to tie you up in case you were still under Loki's control."

"Loki?" She faked confusion.

"The man who attacked you."

"Well you're trained people right? Why would it matter if I attacked? The Avengers beating aliens in New York seemed pretty strong, I doubt I could beat them."

"Of course not, if you were still human." Fury seemed to be getting irritated.

"Still?" Sybil acted panicked and glanced back at her body as if it would suddenly appear to be alien.

"Your DNA was combined with what Thor called Frost Giant. Loki did this to others but we were too late to save them."


"To start building another attack against us. Your powers are similar to his and Steve Rogers claims you seemed to be trained in using them." Fury was gauging her reaction but she kept fear plastered on her features. "Of course if you don't remember that then you could still be a danger to yourself and others."

She was actually worried now; if they thought she couldn't control them what would they do to her? "Does that mean I'm going to be locked up?"

"If it comes to that." His tone said he wouldn't care if they had to shoot her if it meant getting rid of a threat.

Sybil swallowed and put some pleading into her voice. "Can't you help me? Perhaps get me back to normal?"

"Stark and Banner are trying to separate the DNA but their tests have so far failed and the blood sample is running out." She was more than slightly angry they had taken some blood while she was unconscious but if Fury noticed her anger he didn't do anything. "You'll be training later with the Avengers to try helping with the problem, if we can't get rid of your powers we need you to get control over them."

She nodded at the reasonable answer. "Maybe some training will bring back my memories."

"That's what I'm hoping for." Fury stood up from the uncomfortable looking chair he'd been sitting in before taking off her restraints. "Barton is outside, he'll show you to your room and let you see Valda for a few minutes before you start training."

Sybil nodded in acknowledgement before standing, stumbling a bit before recovering and following the director to the door. A dirty blond haired man was waiting on the other side and he glanced at her as she stopped in front of him while Fury continued to walk off without another word. The archer started to walk off and she quickly followed him, not wanting to get lost in the identical hallways.

A few minutes later and a few confusing twists and turns later Barton came to a stop outside a door. "This is going to be your room, Valda's is just down the hall and the Avengers have rooms a hallway over if there's an emergency."

"Okay." She replied, still trying to map out how she'd gotten to the room.

Barton started to leave and she followed. "Valda is waiting for us near the training room."

"Does she have powers too?" Sybil asked, if her friend did she hadn't used them during the fight.

"No but Natasha's been training her."

Sybil knew that Romanoff's training was nearly equal to having powers, if it wasn't the Black Widow wouldn't be with the Avengers. "So, uh, when you saved me... what happened?"

"You were under Loki's control." She heard an echo of hatred in his voice as he said the trickster's name. "We had to fight you but it wasn't your fault for anything that happened do you understand? Don't beat yourself up over hurting us, we recovered."

She hadn't been planning on beating herself up over it, looking at him she could tell he had beat himself over killing on Loki's command. It was easy to guess when he'd been under Loki's control considering that was when Loki had first shown up. Still, she knew Barton would be expecting her to show some remorse and regret for attacking them so she stared at the ground dully.

"Yeah, but what if I had killed one of you?" She asked sadly. "When I snapped out of it I would be the one with the guilt for killing a hero."

He stopped and looked at her sternly. "That didn't happen so you don't need to feel guilty, do you understand?"

Sybil nodded. "Yes."

"Good." He started walking again with her quickly following behind him to keep up.

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