Next morning——

I was icing cupcakes while the cookies were baking and the donuts were already done.

My newest employee walked in he's been here for about 6 months.  Didn't know to much about him. He also had lost his mother, but he had siblings.
" hey Jessie what's up man "
" nothing much hey uh is there anyway I could get next Tuesday off. Or I could bring my nephew  in. Hes 7 really good kid he will just sit in a booth and do whatever he brings with him." He looked like he was going to cry by the end.
" yeah sure don't worry and if you need to leave early with him that's fine. Okay ? Calm down.  Also everything is pretty much ready to open.  Cheri and carol just left about 15 minutes ago . They'll be back at 1-5 shift I didn't have anyone to cover it. " I finish icing the cupcakes
  " what is the special order for, I don't remember seeing a sheet for it. " he asked going over and putting his apron on.

I think what to say. He was just out of high school.
" a friend ".   I heard him laugh " dude you mean a special lady friend ... say it isn't so stiles has a girlfriend " he turned around smiling.
  I rolled my eyes " no she's not. She's just a friend. ". If she was even that. 
He nodded and went to start helping out front with orders.
By 8:30 when the rush slowed a bit I took my treats to the hospital.
I went to see Elizabeth first but the nurses were doing something. So I went to see Henry.

Jay was standing outside on the phone
"Hey Jack I gotta go the deputy I was talking about is back " he nodded at me I smiled softly. " yeah love you too " he hung up
" hey you came ". " yeah of course. So here's the cookies and a couple of cream filled donuts. "
  " papaw who are you talking to ?" A little voice asked
He smiled and pushed the curtain back.  He was sitting up in his bed.  He had a cast on his lower left leg and on his left hand and wrist.
  " Henry this is deputy stiles he got your mom to the hospital" he looked at me but not at me just my chest I guess and then to the box in my hand.
" why do you have a white box ? That's the kinda box uncle Jessie brings donut holes in "
  He says and looks back to his cast he was drawing on.
" he brought some donuts and cookies for us.  Then some cupcakes for your mom" he nodded and kept drawing
" can you tell stiles thank you "
" are you mommy's boyfriend ? Jessie says she has a boyfriend "  he didn't look up at me
  I blushed " uh no no I'm not "
Jay just chuckles
" okay I'm done talking to you. It would be cool if you did. Police are nice guys papaw says "
Jay took the boxes and he told me I could go talk to her.

I went back to Elizabeth room the nurses were gone. She was sitting up in her bed doing something on her phone.
I knocked on the door frame. She looked up
" stiles why are you here ? " she looked behind me I guess for a police officer.   I walked over and sat in a chair by her bed.
" I meant what I said I'm going to be here for you. Plus I like you. You're a sweetheart and a great mom. You're beautiful also " she looked away trying to hide her blush.  I blushed to at my word vomit.
   " uh y-you like me ? " she asks looking down and cris crossed her legs.

I gave her the box of cupcakes I made her. 
" yeah I do ...since I already made a dumbass of myself I'll keep going.  I really do like you I've never felt the way I did when I saw you. Since then I've thought about you a lot.  My dad told me one time you know you know.  I know that I like you a lot. "
  She didn't look up
Okay well there went that.  Dumbass stiles Fucking dumbass.  I got up walking out of the room.  Why was I such a fuck up.
  I shouldn't have told her I liked her.  Should have just given her the compliments.  Someone just kill me. I sounded like a stalker.

I went back to work and Jessie was filling up the racks again.
Jessie ... uncle Jessie 
" Jessie "    He nodded " yeah "
" was your sister just in a car wreck and has little boy " he stopped and looked at me .
   " uh yes why .... is he okay ?" He looked nervous
" yeah just uh that's who I went to see. She uh"
   He started laughing " holy fuck you're the guy! Dude I gotta call jack.  Our sister is sleeping with my boss " he pulled his phone out.  I went over and snatched it out of his hands.   He looked at me like a hurt puppy. 
" we aren't sleeping together.  I mean I haven't seen her since uh just a week ago. "
He stopped and now his face was serious
" you'll treat her right stiles right ? You won't leave her broken or be abusive ?"
I know I looked shocked " what no I'd never do that ....was her last boyfriend like that ?"
He nodded " he was abusive he wouldn't let her call us or see us if he was around. Then when she got pregnant he wasn't as bad. But then when Henry was three and showed signs of being on the spectrum. He wanted a paternity test and beat her so bad she was hospitalized. I don't think he ever sexually assaulted her. But he did damage everywhere else."

I didn't know what to say to that. No wonder she hated herself so much he pushed her to the point. " so they've been broken up for 5 years ?" He shook his head no
" she didn't break up with him till he cheated and hit Henry. " He still wouldn't make eye contact. " how long ago was that ?"
" 2 and 1/2 years ago " 
I nodded and went to run the cash register.

Elizabeth pov
Dad came to see me couple hours after stiles left.
" hey pumpkin are you feeling better "
I nodded staring at the box
" have you eaten any ? He's a pretty good baker. Henry wants to see him again so he can try more. " I looked up at him " really ??" He never liked new people till he meet them a few times.
He nodded with a smile " yeah so maybe this stiles guy could stay around hmm?"
I knew what he was trying to say. I hadn't gone on a date since I left Henry's dad and I wasn't sure I was ready. I was scared and relationships were a lot to handle. What if stiles didn't understand how Henry was or hit him too.
" Hey E stop over thinking this sweetheart. This guy is genuinely a nice guy. Yes I'm sure he has a stern side he is a cop he has too. But he won't be like HIM I can promise you that.  In all the years you and HIM were together he never brought you this kind of stuff " he said pointing to the box.  
  I nodded it was true.
" I - I don't even have his number "
" I'm sure we could just ask Jessie "
I nodded I didn't realize that the design on the box was the same on Jessie's work T-shirt's.
I got out the next morning and went in to the bakery.
I walked in and it wasn't busy the nurse who was a friend of stiles said she'd watch Henry for me if he needed anything.

I didn't see him. I walked up to the register
She was about my dad's age lady she smiled " hello welcome what would you like today "

" oh uh actually I was wondering if stiles was working today "
" uh " she looked at the time
" he should be in the next 20 minutes he had to work at the station this morning. "
Jessie came out with a tray of donuts and put them up and took the two empty trays out. He didn't see me.
I ordered water and large cookie. I sat by a window and read on my phone.
Till someone sat with me I snapped my head up. He was still in his uniform and he had a bag of food and a huge smile.
" so you came to see me"
He started taking things out of the bag.
" oh uh .. I'm taking you up on the offer of being friends and uh you said you liked me "
He blushed " uh yeah yeah I did "
I realized he had food for two people.
" oh are you having lunch with someone ?"
He nodded. " I'm so sorry uh I just didn't have your number and didn't know how to get a hold of you and-"
" Elizabeth ". I shut up
" it's with you". "Me?" He nodded and chuckles " she texted me that you were here waiting for me so I uh asked Jessie what you liked. We have same taste in fries. Not so much sandwich's but I've never had a turkey burger either. " he says as the lady ... Cheri put two drinks down.
" thank you !" He says she nods and looks at me and her eyes just looked so hopeful.
I looked at the burger and curly fries and small strawberry shake with whip cream.
" is this a date " I asked picking up two ketchup packets.
" uh if you want can be "
" okay " We asked each other the 20 questions
Like my favorite color. Which same as his blue
Type of movies we liked and he was very much a movie addict.
He talked about him being mischievous in highschool. " you know there's a name that means that. I actually thought about naming Henry that but then I changed it to Henry which has a couple of meanings . But I picked it cause of hero.  He is my hero, he always saves me from myself.  I think of him and everything I'll miss if I'm not here for him."
He bobbed his head
" uh actually I meant to talk to you about that. Elizabeth my dad can't find out what I did that night and that I didn't take you to the hospital. I could lose my job " he took a bite out of his burger.
" oh well I mean I wasn't planning on it and I wouldn't want you to lose your job I'd feel terrible. " I didn't even know how to act around him.
Just be pleasant is all I could think of. Be nice smile but not to much. Hmm what was to much. I start eating to try and ignore my anxiety that's starting to arise.
" so we can make this a daily or every other day thing or just stay in and do whatever. I'd like to see Henry again. He's a cool kid "
I smiled " really you think so ?"
" yeah he's smart and really good at coloring. "
" yes he loves to color and he says he wants to be a art teacher " I say taking a sip of the milk shake.
We continued till my alarm to pick Henry up from school went off
" okay well uh I need to go see my little man in the hospital. I hope to see you soon stiles "
  I stood up and put my jacket back on. 
" so I'll see you later ?" He asked
I nodded and hugged him he hugged me back and I instantly felt okay.  He made me feel safe like HE would never hurt me again. 

I let go " uh you have a good day baking and oh tell the owner that I think he or she has the best 18 year old working for them. " I winked
He smiled and looked back at the kitchen where Jessie was peaking out of the window.

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