Day 13

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Alfred's POV

Now I really feel like a big dumb idiot! How could I bully her like that?! I'm so stupid!

I made her cry. I made _____ cry.

I didn't mean to be a bully.

How do you bully someone on accident Alfred?!

I don't know!

I walked into the school with a frown in my face.

And here I secretly thought spending time with _____ would be fun, so far I screwed it up!

Ugh! Stupid Alfred! Stupid! Stupid! stupi-

There she was, _____.

Without thought, I ran up to the (h/c) haired girl. "Hey _____!"

Her eyes widened slightly but she kept them on the ground.

She stayed silent.

Man I really screwed up.

"Dudette?" I got down to her level and looked into her (e/c) orbs for a split second. "Are you-?"

She turned away quickly.

"I'm fine." _____ interrupted me.

Now I know there's something wrong.

I heard her sniffle. "Are you crying?"

"No, I'm f-fine Alfred." Her hand went up to her face.

Oh god, _____ is going to kill me for this..

I thought as I brought she into a right embrace. "I'm so sorry _____! I'm such a jerk!"

She cried into my shoulder. "I'm sorry for yelling at you Alfie, I didn't know you were different."

"It's OK dude."

She let go of me and looked me in the eyes, her (e/c) orbs locking onto my azure ones.

"Sooo..Are we cool dudette?" I asked hopefully.

"Yeah I guess."

YES! Score! I fixed my relationship with _____!

"Let's go clean~!"

She giggled. "OK Alfreeeeedddd!" I grabbed her hand-mid sentence and started dragging her all the way down the hall.

"You don't have to call me Alfred, you could also call me Alfie like you just did, It's pretty cute." I smirked when she blushed.

"Yeah yeah, whatever Alfie."

"So we are friends!"

"I never said-"

"Friends give each other nick names~!"

"Wait just a-"

"Now, what should I call you....?"

"Hold on Alf-"

"I KNOW! I'll call you doughnut! Because on the first day we had doughnuts together! IT'S PERFECT!" I gave her my goofy smile just to seal the deal.


Your POV

How could you argue with that smile he's giving you..

I sighed. "Fine."

This is just like my dream, Alfred insisting that we are friends...

"YAY! C'mon doughnut!"

Oh brother, this is going to be a loooong 2 weeks..

Only Alfred could come up with a nickname that is associated with food..

I laughed slightly, remembering Alfred's face stuffed with the doughnuts.

"What so funny doughnut?"

I rolled my eyes. "You."

"What about me?"

"I'm laughing at yesterday when you had your face stuffed with doughnuts."

"Hey! They were good!" He pouted.



"Can I have my hand back now?"

"This hand belongs to the hero!" He smirked.

"Can I borrow it then?"


"What's wrong with you Alfie?" I laughed again.

"The hero has no weaknesses!"

I rolled my eyes again. "Uh huh.." I said sarcastically.

Here we go...

The Summer Cleaning Countdown! [America x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now