Chapter 41: Marry Me

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“You sure you want to move away from me?” Niall asked while watching me pack.

I laughed. “Yes I do,” I say and fold one of my sweaters up. He walked in and slumped down on the bed. “Oh come one Mr. Horan it’ll be ok. I’ll come visit.”

I walk over to where he was sitting on the bed. He stood up and wrapped me in his arms. “Be careful ok and know that if Harry ever manages to screw this up again for the third time-“

“You’ll be right here to unscrew,” I smile and finish his sentence. I look into his eyes and feel nothing but thanks for having someone like Niall. “Thank you so much Niall. I honestly don’t know where I would be without you. You are literally one of the best friends and the best person I could ever have met,” I say and hold onto him tightly. He rubs my back and kisses my head.

“Anything for you Charlie,” he whispered and I let go of him.

“Now help me bring these bags to my car and stop trying to make me cry,” I say and pick up my purse. Niall grabs my two large bags and we walk to the front door together.

“This house is going to be so lonely without you. I’m going to be here all alone with nothing to do but masturbate and play guitar,” he said and we made it to the door.

“Well that’s not necessarily true.” The doorbell rang and I smiled innocently. Niall looked at me confused. I grabbed my two bags out of his hand and he opened the door. Ryder was standing behind it. We had stayed in contact since our meeting on her porch. We actually became close friends. Niall looked back at me almost angry.

“Niall I know this wonderful girl her name is Ryder and she has the potential of stealing your heart. Hi Ryder,” I talk quickly. “Bye,” I say hurrying out of the door. The bags were too heavy so I couldn’t move fast enough.

I flung them into my car door and ran to the driver’s said and drove off. Two weeks Harry and I had been together and I was ready to move back in with him. I turned on my radio and just sang along with song I didn’t know. I felt so good. Everything felt so good.

I pulled into the driveway and walked up to the house. I put the key in the hole and opened the door. The smell of warm lemon pound cake filled the room. My favorite dessert. I smiled and took off my sweater and dropped my keys on the small table.

I walked into the living room and everything was different. He changed the couches and coffee table even the TV was different. The place had looked like it transformed from a modern totally designer bachelor pad to a home for a family. The only that still remained was my chair in the exact place I had left it.

“Finally,” I hear Harry from behind me. I turn around just in time to see him wrap his arms around me and spin me around. I laugh as he kisses my neck. “She’s home,” he said settling down.

“I like what you’ve done with the place,” I say with him still holding on to me. He kissed my lips and my skin caught on fire. The fire was back. It came back the night we watched The Notebook together. I laid on top of him because it was the only warm place I could find.

Then he touched me and my hand burned and I haven’t stopped burning. “Yeah well it wasn’t the right atmosphere anymore,” He said smiling. His smile filled me in places I forgot I had. “I love you so much Charlie,” he whispered against my lips. My eyes closed and I enjoyed the chills he sent up my spine.

“I love you too Harry Styles,” I whispered on his lips. “Don’t let me go. Not from your side, not from this moment, not from your life. I can’t live without you.”

“I don’t know what living is without you Charlie Walker and I never intend on loosing you again. You know what they say. Third times a charm,” he kissed my lips softly. I reached my hand up and touched his face. I rubbed my nose into his cheek taking in his intoxicating scent.

“I hope so,” I whisper into his ear and kiss him. “Now let’s go and have sex again please,” I say pulling him into the bedroom.

“Of course,” I hear his eagerness. I laugh as he takes the lead. I laugh as he pins me against the door and kisses my neck. It all felt too good. I was too happy to be sexy the only way to express it was to laugh until I moaned. Next thing I know I’m laying on the bed with my shirt off and Harry standing at the foot undressing himself. I look at the man I love and smile some more. Butterflies flutter in my stomach and they’re uncontrollable. It felt as special as my first time.

“Now remember Charlie I haven’t had sex in what feels like a year so please don’t expect me to perform as perfectly as I usually do. I am definitely going to cum first,” he said while climbing above me. I laughed and he smiled.

“Oh trust me I never expect that from you,” I say and pull him down on top of me.


Harry and I laid in the bed cuddled together against the dash board. We were sweaty and naked and warm, so warm. Harry moved his fingers in circles on my arms and I laid against his chest enjoying everything. “Charlie?” he asked quietly.

“Mm,” I hum lazily in response.

“Why did you come back to me?” he asked. His sounded scared. I looked at him and sat up. “I mean I’ve hurt you. Why would you still want me?” he asked. I could tell he was about to cry.

“Because when I touch you Harry I still burned. I didn’t and that’s why I left in the first place. It didn’t feel warm or safe anymore but now it does again. I touch you and my skin molds into yours and we burn into each other. You have a sun inside of you that just pulls me closer. I don’t ever want to lose you in that way ever again.” I placed my hand on his cheek and he leaned into it. I used my thumb to wipe away the tear that was travelling down his face. “You’re only a man Harry. You’re not perfect. Besides I don’t believe in perfection.” He smiles.


“But nothing. Loving you is reckless and painful and dangerous. Some might even say it’s self-destructive but I’ve never wanted to be with anyone else in my life. I am willing to give everything to you over and over again because it feels so damn good,” I kiss him quickly then look back at him. “This feels to damn good. So I don’t care anymore. I don’t care about what could happen because this is happening right now and you’re not going to hurt me,” I say and I mean every word of it.

“I love you so much Charlie and I’m so sorry for everything. I don’t know how to make up for any of it but I have to spend the rest of my life trying.” I cup both of his cheeks and kiss him hard.

“Just love me. Please just right now love me with all your heart.” I pull him down on top of me and kiss him harder than I ever have before.

I felt one of Harry’s hand holding my side holding my neck up pulling me into him. His cheeks were wet against mine but I didn’t care. He leaned down on me and something cold froze into both of our skins. Harry stopped kissing me. He looked in between us and so did I. It was my ring on the chain I was wearing. Harry reached up and broke the chain off of my neck.

He took the ring out of the chain and looked at it. “Marry me,” he whispered under his breath. I looked at him and him back to me. “Become Mrs. Styles. Marry me Charlie. I need to make this up to you in some way and giving me the rest of your life to do so should maybe get me almost half way there. I just love you so damn much.” Tears started to fall out of my eyes. I leaned up and rested on my elbows. Harry went to my left hand and kissed my finger. He slid the ring onto it slowly.

“You don’t have a choice Charlie I’m going to marry you,” he said as he came back face to face with me.

“I didn’t want a choice. Now give me all your love,” I say and pull him on top of me for another kiss.

A/N If you haven't noticed the story is going to end really soon and i wanated to say thank you all for reading this far and i hope you like it as much as i liked writing it. Anyway comment and vote and tell your friends if you liked it. If you have any suggestions about what wedding dress Charlie should wear you should message me!

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