Chapter 20: Lets Give them a Story

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"Harry?" I call for him from our bed. I'm pretty sure he was in the living room. I heard his footsteps then saw him appear in the door. I smiled. "Hi," I said sweetly. He wasn't wearing a shirt and his chest was glistening with sweat. His basketball shorts were hanging low on his waist showing of his boxers.

"Hello baby," he said walking into the room. He came and laid down next to me on the bed. The sun shined through the curtains. I was wearing the shirt that was absent from Harry's body. My stomach was slightly larger but it wasn't two big. I am five months and my baby bump has grown but not too bad. It looks like I'm pregnant but I'm not too fat.

"I love you Harry. I love you so much." I looked at him. He laid on his back and starred at the ceiling. I laughed and climbed over him straddling his waist. He smiled at me now. "Look at me baby. I want all your attention."

"You've had all my attention since the day you met me. I've never been able to think about anything else."

"I love. I'm in love with you and you're so sexy I want to tear your pants off and show you how much I love you," I whispered.

"Well why don't you huh?"

"Because your smelly and nasty and in serious need of a shower."

"Only if you agree to come with me.


"Well then before I want to tell you something."

"What?" I asked anxious. He looked down then back up at me. I smiled shyly and got off of him. I sat on the edge of the bed waiting.

"Ok now Charlie, you know I will love you forever. You're my best friend, my other half and I'm not sure if I will ever know how to live without you." He got up and looked out the window. I was confused but whatever. "Oh would you look at that our neighbors are having a picnic." I was confused by his change of subject.

"Harry continue with the romantic gesture so I can be totally encouraged to get in the shower with you."

"Just come over here and look at this it's weird." I got up and as I was walking over he continued.

"I'm in love with you Charlie Walker and I really don't know anything I could do without you. I am going to be in love with you forever. I know that now. I've made my mistakes and for some stupid reason you took me back now I have to make sure you never leave me."

I looked out the window and saw a couple having a picnic on a field far away. I looked at Harry confused. He pointed at the sky. I looked up and saw an airplane flying. I felt Harry's arms wrap around me and his face nuzzle into my neck. He kissed my cheek. "I know how much you love to read so read this for me out loud please," he whispered.

My heart sped up and I felt my blood pump faster. "I'm in love with you Charlie Walker," I read slowly the first line. Then the airplane started spelling out the next words. "Will," I took a deep breath and tried to contain my tears. "You," harry kissed my cheek softly then my neck, "marry," my tears were completely on now.

"Me," he whispered in my ear then kissed it. I wiped the tears off my face then turned around to look at him. "I know I don't deserve you Charlie and I know I've hurt you and every day of my life I am going to have to try and make up for that, but I just need to know that you will be with me for the rest of my life." I was completely speechless. "Listen Charlie I promise-"

I kissed him hard before he could finish his sentence. The tears ran down my face and joined with him. Harry disconnected and looked at me. He held onto my face and smiled. "Come with me," he said and pulling me out to the living room. He opened the sliding door and we stepped out into the sun. He got down on one knee and a small parachute fell from the sky. It fell slowly and silently. Harry caught it and opened it.

The most beautiful thing I have ever seen was inside. There it sat, a green that I couldn't compare to anything other than the color of my mother's eyes. Sparkling couldn't describe the shine it had. It was like it had its own source of light glowing beautifully bright. Even though it was one of the most exotic of stones it was oddly familiar. I have felt like I've seen the ring before like I've been seeing it all my life but at the same time I've never come in contact with such beauty in my life.

"I had it fashioned after your mothers ring. I hope you like it."

"Yes Harry I absolutely love it now can you please stand up so I can kiss you again?" I said crying. Harry slid the ring onto my finger it was heavy and light all at once. Harry stood up and kissed me hard.


Harry and I were laying together on the couch. We were watching TV together. His arm was wrapped around my waist. I held the remote and started changing the channel. I was flipping through when I heard my name. I stopped and it was E! News a strange case of déjà vu came over me.

"So you guys, remember how our favorite writer, pop star relationship broke up? Well it looks like they're back together and stronger than ever. Check out more on today so true so false," Terrance J spoke to us threw the TV. I turned my head and looked at Harry.

"So yesterday the picture was captured in the sky nearly right above Harry Styles's sweet pad in London. It reads 'I'm in love with you Charlie walker. Will you marry me?' So we don't know yet if she said yes or no neither of there reps have made a statement but of course we will keep up with any updates on this story."

"We're a story," I said trying not to laugh. I got up and walked to our room then walked back into the living room. I had my phone in my hand. Harry sat up and looked at me confused. "Let's give them a story." I put my hand out and took a picture of it. I posted it on Facebook, twitter, and Instagram. My comment was simply, yes.

"I thought you said no media." Harry said standing up. I stood up too and hugged him. I got on my toes and kissed his lips.

"Who gives a fuck I got everything I need between the both of us."

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