Chapter 17: They'll Be Perfect

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Harry and I were in a car. The sun light beaming through the windows and warmly onto my skin. I looked out at the moving horizon with the window down enjoying the wind whipping against my face. The radio music playing in the background, not lowly but I wasn't listening to it.

'Written on these walls are the stories that I can't explain'

The volume of the music got louder and I turned and looked at Harry. He was humming quietly along with the words of the song. I smiled softly holding back a laugh. He looked at me and smiled also. "What?" he asked his voice light and soft.

"Do you really feel the need to sing your own songs?" I asked joking.

"Yes of course I do," he laughed and turned up the music even louder, singing to match the volume. I laughed and decided to sing along also.

'The story of my life I take her home I drive all night to keep her warm and time is frozen'

We sang at the top of our lungs until the song went off. After that we kept singing and singing to whatever was on the radio. After Happy by Pharrell Williams went off I sat back into the soft leather of Harry's car. It was filled with his scent something soft, not to strong, but definitely masculine, and an aging scent of fresh marijuana, due to the countless times he has hot boxed this car. Harry had promised that he would stop smoking because I couldn't smoke at the time and it was unfair.

I embraced the scent that comforted me, secretly enjoying it. I looked over at harry still singing and laughing. His smile was one of the main things I fell in love with. It always had a way of making me feel safe, not so alone. I couldn't deny the warmth that rapped around me whenever I was with Harry. We were on our way to the doctor to get a check up on the baby. Everything has been going fine but it's been two weeks since the last check up and the doctor said they wanted to talk to us anyway.


"So I am proud to tell you guys that you're in perfect health and that you're developing rate is going great. There are a couple of thing we are worried about. I looked at some of your mothers old medical records and she was having problems birthing your younger brother."

"Yeah there were a couple of small bumps but we made it through."

"Yes I understand but we are going to keep an eye out for anything just to stay safe. Anyway lighter news would you like to see your baby?"

I smiled wide. This is what I've been looking forward to for the last week. We got up and he led us to a smaller room in the back which was dark. There was hospital bed against the wall. One like the one you usually get checkups on. A small chair sat in the corner of the room, Harry took his seat there immediately. The machines that were set up right next to the bed beeped loudly every thirty second or so. I sat down on the bed and looked at the small flat screen TV that was hanging from the corner of the low ceilings.

The doctor rubbed a cold gel substance on my bare stomach and got the sonogram set up. Soon an image popped up on the screen. Something I couldn't quite understand yet. I looked over at Harry and was comforted with his equal amount of confusion. His eyes met mine and he smiled with slight embarrassment.

"Ok now you see this is one head and this is the other-"

"Other head? What do you mean?" I asked confused.

The doctor looked at me and smiled. He laughed a little then looked over at Harry. He pressed a couple of buttons on the machine and another sound came on. A steady rhythm began to beat the thudding of a heart. Then another beat came in subtly behind it. Softly another beat became audible. Both beating in a sort of off rhythm in synced with each other in an odd way.

"Ms. Walker your having-"

"Twins," I said breathlessly.

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