Chapter 28: E! News

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Harry’s Pov

“How was it yesterday?” I asked Charlie. She was sitting down in her chair rocking Bell to sleep. She looked at me and shook her head no with a weak smile. I knew exactly what that meant. It meant let’s not talk about it ever. I smile and walk over to her. I kiss her cheek. “I love you,” I whisper in her ear. “And you too Bella Moon. I love you so much,” I say and kiss her forehead also.

“You getting ready for the interview?” Charlie asked. I nodded my head and walked over to my shoes. I had begged management to hold back any information about the pregnancy for Charlie’s sake. I wanted to wait until she was ready. So we had to go with all of these unexplained cancelled tour dates. Now that the news was out I can only imagine the world right now.

I get up and grab my keys and wallet off of the coffee table. “I shouldn’t be gone more than a couple of hours.”

“Be safe ok. I love you Harry. So much,” she says. I turn and look at her. The woman I was so in love with.

“If you want me to stay I will. I could hold off the interview until tomorrow or whenever,” I say just wanting to comfort her.

“No go, I’ll be fine. Plus Niall should be coming over soon… Go, have fun,” she says and smiles. I walk over to her and give her another kiss.

“I love you, bye,” I say and walk towards the door.


The camera man hooked up a microphone to my shirt and sat me in front of a webcam that should be showing the cast of E! News who were back in the states. There were people shuffling around me. Paul stayed in the back of the room and examined everything. It was comforting to have him there.

“Ok Mr. Styles are you ready?” a bald man with a fat stomach asks me. I nod my head. “Good if you look right here you’ll be able to see them and there is an earpiece in your ear so you are able to hear. We’ll be on in about a minute.”

So the countdown began. I straightened up my shirt and pushed my hair back out of my face. I took a sip of my water and looked at the screen. “In 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.”

“Hello Harry Styles how are you?” Juliana asked.

“Tired,” I answered and laughed. They laughed too.

“But seriously how is the baby? She is just so adorable.”

“She’s great actually. I couldn’t ask for anything more.”

“And how is being a father?” Terrance asked.

“It’s literally one of the best experiences of my life.” Short and quick answers were going to make this interview go faster.

“How are you taking this on? I mean you’re so young only 20 and you’re getting married and already have a little baby girl while still having to be Harry Styles. Is there pressure? And if so how much?”

“Well it’s definitely not easy but I’m not going to complain about it. I mean yeah it was quick but I’m already in this life and I really have no other choice now. It’s all ok because I am with the woman I love so she makes it a whole lot easier.” I smile to myself just thinking about Charlie.

“Is she home right now with the baby?”

“Um yea she is. Sleeping I hope.”

“So please answer the question we are all dying to know. What is her name? It has been torturing me and I’m pretty sure every other directioner out there.”

I smile. “Her name is Bella Moon Styles. She was born July 24th. She’s 8 pounds 3 ounces. Her name comes from her grandmother, Charlie’s mum.”

“That name is just so cute. Awe now everybody look at this adorable picture of baby Bella. Harry have you guys chosen any godparents?” Terrance asks. I take a sip of my water.

“Yeah um Niall, from the band, is the godfather and my sister Gemma is the godmother. They’re both thrilled about it.”

“Well congratulations and everyone here at E! are really happy for you and Charlie,” he was wrapping up the interview.

“Thanks mate it was nice talking to you,” I say and smile. They smile too and do the closing that read on the teleprompter. The bald man said cut and I stood up. “Let’s go Paul?” I ask. He nodded and we started for the front door. When we got there I could see the sea of photographers waiting outside. I rolled my eyes.

I leaned against the wall. We were surrounded by screaming girls and crazy adults. “I just want to go home to my wife and kid,” I say to myself. I lay my head back on the wall and try and fight off the headache.

“It’s ok they’re working on clearing a path right now,” Paul said reassuring me. I’m not a big fan of crowds and the sooner I get home the better.

I have to wait for at least another hour before the path is finally cleared and I still have to walk through a small strip of the crowd to get to the car. “You ready?” Paul asks and I nod my head. He opens the door and three guys surround me immediately. We walk through cautiously and I can hear all of the screams and see all of the flashing lights.

“Harry how does it feel to have an illegitimate kid? Is that why you kept her hidden?” I hear one of the men with the cameras say.

“What the hell did you just say?” I lose my temper but before I am able to do anything I’m yanked into the car and the door is closed shut. My blood began to boil and I punched the seat in front of me. “How can they just say anything they fucking want to? Just get me home Paul now,” I say angry. I pull out some weed from my pocket and start to roll it.

On our way back I get high trying to calm down.

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