Chapter 1 (An Introduction)

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It was a fine Saturday afternoon in Royal Woods. As usual, it was sunny and nice looking. School had recently ended, thus starting summer.

We cut to a car workshop with, as you probably guessed it, cars.

Under one of these cars was a girl. She was the most skilled mechanic in town.

A big man in a mechanic suit comes up to the car with the girl underneath.

Guy: Hey Lana. You're shift is almost up.

The girl gets herself out from under the car and stands up.

Lana: You got it Rufus!

This is Lana Loud. The 8th child of the Loud family.

She has on a light gray tank top that showed a little bit of her mid-section, long blonde hair kept in a bun, and some dark gray cargo shorts. She was somewhat muscular with a flat stomach, a modest chest size, and some big thighs.

Rufus: Nice job on this car. It looks pretty old.

Lana: Well, when you grow up working on an van over 40 years old, you kinda get good at fixing these kind of cars.

Rufus gave a laugh.

Rufus: I guess practice makes perfect! Well. I guess see you later Lana!

Lana: See ya!

Lana walks out of the workshop and walks home.

--------------Meanwhile at the Loud House---

Lisa Loud (now 16) was working on some weird looking chemicals. Now as usual, these were pretty dangerous if you knew what Lisa usually worked with.

Lisa was a bit taller and slightly chubby in a way. She wore a big green turtleneck sweater with a lab coat over it with some black pants. She had a messy hairdo since she never bothered to get herself a haircut.

She was currently working on a project that if worked, could change the future of mankind! Or that's how she says it; she didn't really know what it did.

She was holding a vial containing the blood of some exotic frog species around the world.

Lisa: Some Cane Toad blood, poisonous dart frog, and some blood from normal garden frogs. Now I all need to do is mix them together and let it sit overnight.

Lisa did so and watched in fascination as the diffrent types of blood mixed together and changed color.

Lisa: My goodness, just witnessing it with my own eyes is like observing a firework show. Now, to add the final ingredient.

She went to her closer and got a vial containing a weird black liquid. There was a tag on the vial called "Gene Z".

Lisa: Yes. This is the final and most important part of this whole operation. This will make the blood compatible with human DNA!

Lisa puts a tiny bit in it which changes the multicolored liquid into a plain green.

Lisa: Hmmm... Interesting.... Welp, I shall let this set out. I have a date with Darcy that I'm late to.

As the young scientist got ready, she failed to notice Lana's pet frog Hops go into her room.

Hops was chasing a pesky fly that had been bothering him all day since no matter what, it seemed he wasn't able to capture and eat the darn thing.

He chased after it all over the whole room, shooting his tongue at the bug and missing completely. Hops continued to chase it, causing glass and vials to be knocked down and making a big mess.

(Cancelled) Lana the Were-FrogWhere stories live. Discover now