A bribe and a bride

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I forgot to eat dinner again. I'm sure what happened last night was real. Suho and DO made me eat up plenty of pancakes this morning since I missed dinner last night.

I don't still know if Luhan likes me or just toying with me. Should I feel molested with what happened last night? I can't process if I should be mad at him or be happy. I don't know if I'm on the winning side or losing side.

Should I text him? Would I turn out to be clingy if I do?

Will I sit next to him on the bus?

At the bus he didn't sit next to me. Apparently, some girl sat next to me. Whoever this girl is she's totally ruining my day. She's trying to get some info on luhan since she thinks we're close or at least friends. I don't even know what to tell her, I'm not his lover nor his friend. I'm an acquaintance which get to hang out a lot with him and the one he sexually harassed last night. I just told her we are classmates on some subjects. She keeps asking me questions which I really don't know the answer. For example his favorite color, shampoo, tshirt brands, music taste (to be honest, his genre is a mystery), his perfume(he smells of strawberries and champagne but I wouldn't tell her coz it's my own secret), his family and other stuff.

At PE I said good morning to him which he only responded morning and excused for soccer practice for today. Lunch, he's still in the field practicing. Calculus is boring without some motivation but luckily Xiumin's there to make me laugh. He's really getting at calculus to and earned a praise from Ms. Shin.

Chemistry, Channie attended our subject because he missed an activity and it was a makeup lab. We get to be partners, amazingly he's good in this subject. He jokes if anything fails he will become a drug maker with his knowledge in chemistry. I look outside the window and saw luhan talking to some girl. I just shrug it off.

Music class, me and Chen were exempted so we hit the mall. I saw Jessica and Kris on a coffee shop. Me and Chen just walk by and talked about how they look together. The tigress and the wolf. We don't want to bother them so we just move to the next store where a bunch of private school girls passed by. Chen admired a dark haired girl from those musical academy for girls. You wouldn't missed them coz they wear really short cream miniskirt and a sky blue blazer. Chen said they will be our best rival in the competition.

A few more days passed Luhan is still busy with his soccer practice and our competition will be on Friday. He's just sending me links of his soundcloud practice. I guess were not close enough to hangout yet. Rumors in the school are like wildfire. They say they saw luhan dating a girl. I wouldn't believe it. They're are just rumors.

Thursday, he doesn't have soccer practice today so I don't see how he can avoid me. We were locked up in the auditorium with Chen and our teacher. She was upset of our song choice coz it reeks of sex especially when Luhan danced it, she turned red and almost had a heart attack due to excitement. I couldn't blame her to be honest. I need to talk to Luhan after this practice. I need a peace of mind.

I think our second choice of song was good. It was Luhan's previous pick so it is no problem especially when our teacher heard it. She said it is a crowd pleaser and fits our voices, add a little dance and make it sound like we're really in love would make it a blast. Luhan had a one on one coaching with our teacher since he missed a lot of rehearsals. I went to the canteen to grab him a soda. I was passing by the girls bathroom when I heard a voice of a girl.

"How dare him used me! He was just a tease. He didn't even slept with me. He just kissed me and grope me. He said he was just practicing kissing me so he can be really good at it on someone he likes." A girls said in a crying yet furious tone. I heard her friend consoling her. It could be anybody, it doesn't concern me. "My sources said that the one he likes lives in that fancy rich people area since she said he saw him there going in some big mansion. It is clear enough he's just using her for the money." She added with disgust.

He smells like strawberry (Boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now