Sometimes I get tired people telling me to put my hands up in the air; so there

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Since the ice cream incident from acquaintance we went back to strangers again. Luhan became colder that the icecream I've had last weekend. It is unusual but maybe that's the way he is.

"Baekie! I am going to treat you lunch this time." Chanyeol said happily. He opened a bag full of food.

"Whoah! Where did you steal it?" I asked jokingly.

"My mom gave it to me today since she hosted another model event last night." He said uninterested and starting calling dibs on the food in the bag.

"So he was really serious on this?" Looking at kris and Chen for confirmation.

"His mom is a model after all. He always give out extra food that those models don't eat." Kris justified.

"I see. I bet model food taste yummy." I start eating tofu based Bbq.

We ate the yummy food which is low on carbs but high on taste. It's amazing that food could taste like that it's not as yummy like real meat but it taste delicious on its category. It is hard to explain so use your imagination.

"So you guys going to Xiumin's party?" Chen asked.

"He'll have a party?" I asked wondering Xiumin didn't invite me. We're sort of friends, right?

"Yeah dude. It always happen when his parents are away." Kris said.

"Did he already invite you guys?" I asked again, I know this is a stupid question.

"Yup. You'll just need a bottle of alcohol to get in." Chanyeol smirks.

"Alright, we will see. When's this again? " I absolutely no information of this party.

"Tonight." Kris looked at me like I'm a lost kid.

"I think I couldn't go." I lied since Xiumin didn't invite. Partying isn't my thing either.

"Stop being a wuss and come with us." Kris said annoyingly.

"Yeah baekie, you need to relax." Chanyeol said.

"You never go with us in cheerleader's party last time since your brother wouldn't let you go. You're nearly 18 for crying out loud." Chen said in frustration.

"I'll try." I said. the best sentence you say if you're not sure and you're going to appease your friends and shut them up for the time being until the time of the party arrives.

"Loosen up baek, it is a party. Xiumin's is known for it." Kris said.

"You'll have a good time." Chanyeol said still poking on the tofu meat.

"I'm sure Luhan would be there." Chen whispered to my ear and smiled really widely.

At calculus Xiumin invited everyone to his party. I thought he would only select friends or people he likes but xiumin is a very friendly guy. Luhan is definitely coming coz Xiumin forced him to.

At home I asked DO which suit looks great on me. Will I go for the vintage black or classic white. He said it is a house party why would I wear a suit? So he dragged me to the mall and help me picked my clothes. In the end, we settled for a black sweatshirt from channel and skinny jeans from moschinno. I wore my fave red vans shoes to look normal.

"On all of the days why do you look so ugly today?" DO said. "Lucky for you I turned you into a beauty. Go find your prince. Remember I'll pick you up at 12. Cinderella.." He laughed. Sometimes, I want to smother him with my fists.

I also bought my bottle of alcohol. I hope they like it.

At the party people actually looked like they're still wearing their clothes from school. Most of them were drunk already since the party started at 6pm. I arrived around 8pm since I need to show up for dinner at home for Suho to grant me permission. DO and I also got lost in Xiumin's neighborhood. All houses look the same. The only thing separated Xiumin's house from the other is the huge oak tree with a hammock in it.

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