Day One Part 2

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*Namjoon's P.O.V*

1797 Words

Today was Monday.

Right when I shut the door to the car, I knew I was asking for a death sentence. But the smirk I wore into school proudly showed my confidence. I walked up to my locker and opened it. But right when I opened it, it shut harshly crushing my left hand in the process (he stuck his hand in quick). I let out a hiss in pain.

I was turned around and then harshly shoved into my locker (like what Jin did in boy in luv). Speaking of Jin, there he was in front of me. He's shorter than me but his broad shoulders could cover my smallish frame. 'Who even has this type of body shape' I thought to myself.

"So, why is Nerd Boi over here grinning like a maniac, huh?" He asked more like he was taunting me. Jin was honestly the hottest boy in school. Not only that, but his little 'followers' were also good looking as well. He may be handsome but he doesn't have the smarts.

He grabbed onto my shoulders and slammed me back into the lockers bringing me back into the real world.

"Answer Me." He said in a deep voice. I took in a deep breath.

"Can't I smile for once? All you ever do is bully so for just one day, can I just smile?" I ask forcing a smile to appear on my face.

Now, I haven't smiled in a while. Having to deal all this bullshit hurts your ego. Being told that when you smile you look ugly hurts. Being told you are the stupidest person in the world just shattered all the self-confidence I had left. I know I shouldn't let the bad things get to me but being abused at home and school does some things to you.

I snap back to reality seeing how Jin loosens his grip on my shoulders and taking a step back. I let out a sigh.

One second I'm fine and the next, I'm on the ground with a stinging sensation shooting through my left cheek. My glasses were on the floor next to me. As I reach out my right hand to grab them, someone steps on them cracking the lens. It was Hoseok this time as I can barely recognize the twinkle toe like shoes he always wears. 'I swear he's gay' I thought to myself.

I then get lifted up off the ground by the collar of my shirt.

"Listen here dweeb," Jin leans closer to my face and I let out a soft whimper.

"I am your fear, your darkness. You will never get rid of me. I am the person you hide from-"

"Second actually" I cut in only to be grabbed by the throat this time. He leans even closer to me foreheads touching.

"Don't you fucking dare talk back. You're the lowest of the lowest in this school. You need to know your place or else you're fucking dead-"

"I'd rather be dead than live another day," I say again cutting him off. His grip on my neck tightened. I can see his teeth grit together.

"Come on, Gay Boy, I know you live every day to see me." He said smirking and raising an eyebrow.

"You're wrong on that..." I choke through. I literally can't see anything but stars and my vision starts getting cloudy. And just like that, he drops me. He kicks me in the stomach and I let out a choked grunt as I was still gasping for air.

Just like that, they left. Him and his gay crew.

I'm able to pick myself off the ground once my breathing was in order. He may be the hottest boy in school but if I was a girl I'd rather be gay.

I try and grab my backpack which apparently had all the supplies in it dumped onto the floor. It was probably done by the younger boys. I drag my hand on the floor to grab the supplies which also ended up me having shards of glass from my glasses buried deep into the side of my hand. I don't know why I didn't start crying right then and there.

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