Police AU

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A/N: Hey guy's. Here is another one-shot and you know the drill. Real world/ Police AU. Enjoy!! And no this is not sponsored by the product companies they just look cool.

Her new assignment was dragging her through the dirt. Chief Mace thought she would be the perfect person to work on the racing bust in L.A. So now transferred from Washington she has to stay at a cheep apartment complex until another gets assigned or until she breaks this thing. Her hours started from five pm to nine am. She wasn't the only one posted around town but hers would have the most activity according to the sergeant.

East L.A. did seemed rough and cut throat just by the glances people cast you when you pass by in a marked cruiser. 

It wasn't a surprise the first time she had gone to pick up groceries for a few minutes and came back to her car being keyed and window shattered. They had also warned her about that. 'They can smell fresh meat ten miles away, but don't let them scare you off.' 

The nicest person she interacted with from that side of town was a auto shop owner. Canelo? She had needed a tow from slashed tires and they were the closest by. One of the workers had to change the tires and that's when he caught her eye.

His suit was too dirty to read his name and the headphones on his head made it hard to catch his attention. So she had sat there since she couldn't go anywhere else and watched him fluently replace everything. He didn't look tense or concentrated but relaxed and zoned out. There was a discreet blond streak in his jet black hair and a cute smudge of grease at his temple. She paused. Cute? She must be more stressed out than she thought.

Three weeks later at midnight she had found herself in hot pursuit of one of the motorcycle racers. It was hard to keep track of him due to everything he wore and his bike being black. Except his helmet, that had a white skull design from what she could tell. It didn't take long for him to lose her in traffic. That was her first night of action. Then she had an idea.

Walking into the station the next morning to end her shift she stopped into the chiefs office. "Chief Talbot. I had a proposition for our issue with the racers on King Hill."

The sharply dressed man sat back in his chair. "I am all ears officer Johnson. Anything to stop these reporters from gnawing at my ankles for progress." 

She smiled and pulled out her phone and set it on his desk to look at. After that chase last night she had used her laptop and old hacker skills to get some info. "I did some research last night and narrowed down the track range. Somewhere within those lines is the starting line. If I was to go under cover and pretend to be a racer I could get us close. I could also put a tracker on each bike for us to find if they run. Then during the race when everyone is busy my squad can close in on the dealers while four of yours pulse me can tag the racers." Daisy took a careful breath to hide the excitement.

The chief scrolled through all her data and hummed. "This is a dangerous move, one I know your father wouldn't approve of." And there it was, the leash.

The chief was close friends with Coulson. They went to training together but now her father was a personal contractor for the government. Every muscle in her went lax and she let her head fall back. "Sir, I have yet to do anything to earn my steel. All I do every night is sit in that car and wait." 

He stroked his mustache and nodded. "You'll need riding lessons, expert level to race with these bastards. It will take at least three weeks to prepare for. He stood from his desk and looked through the glass window looking into the room filled with desk's and their owners. "You got yourself a deal." 

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