All angels fall at some point

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For decades he found interest in the human race, even if interaction was prohibited by the counsel. He had been warned multiple times to not go down into their realm, but he couldn't help himself. Other angels thought themselves superior to humans and in his point of view complete asshole's. Him on the other hand was entranced in their way of live and how they lived through struggles. There was this one in particular he would go to and watch from the clouds in curiosity. Her house was in the middle of nowhere New York. She would constantly have friends going in and out of her place, having parties, hanging out, there was even a wedding there before only not for her but two of her friends. 

Her house looked nice, a two story cabin by a river. The houses on earth of course looks nothing like the homes where hes from, but that isn't what stands out to him. Its how she constantly rests outside in a hammock with a sad and troubled look on her face. Sometimes when some guy came by she would throw a fit and things. He was never able to get close enough to hear what she was saying but it was apparent she didn't like the guy.

A powerful rush of wind came from behind him and when he turned to see the shorter brunette a smile formed. "Gabe, what have I told you about following me down here?"

"Me?" The brother crossed his thin arms over his silk-clad chest. "I came here to bring you back. Eli has warned you about this and 'no more chances'." His smile faded and shook his head. "You heard the counsel, one more time and there will be consequences."

Robbie smirked and leaned back as he mirrored his brothers posture. "Come on, last time they caught me was twenty years ago. I've learned to be more discrete."

"I don't even know why you come down here. We have everything within the gates. I know your job requires you to be at the wall but no further." Concern was laced in the younger brothers tone.

He sighed and looked back at the house below. "I don't know why gabe." His grey wings settled loosely on his back and he watched the girl drive off. His heavy black robe and gold sash signed his position as an guardian. As a guardian your given a soul to protect, but for some reason he has bad luck with his assignments. The first two died in a war, third in a building fire, and so on. The counsel had noticed this, and reassigned him to guarding the golden passage. Maybe it was that he missed being down here with humans. 

A strong voice called from behind the two and fear ran through him. "Hey! You two aren't supposed to be here!" It was Catherine followed by two others. "You." 

He wanted to run, he could out fly them but if he does he would never be able to return. Abandonment of duty. The only thought that went through his mind was how his brother was also here. "He had nothing to do with this, I talked him into coming down here." Gabe shot his brother a look, please don't do this now.

She looked to the younger of the two with a stern look but gabe saw the glare robbie shot back to keep quiet. "Roberto, come with us and you will face the counsel for abandoning post and breaking law." The two from behind came forward and tailed the party as they flew back to the glorified fortress in the stars.

He stood before seven tall angels, all discussing the matter. "We have warned you about this roberto more than once. We keep away from the human race to protect our existence, but your constant visits threatens that." He looked past them, knowing better than to talk back to them.

Eli and gabe were on the side watching the scene unfold. "I always keep out of sight counsel. I wouldn't do anything to endanger our kind."

"But you cease to understand. Others are noticing your adventures to the world below and some demand punishment. It would be unfair to not punish you for these reoccurring issues. Not to mention you abandoning your post, we have expressed our concern of growing activity in the underworld and you still play these games." The eldest pushes and there is no doubt, his stupidity got him here.

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