A demon down

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 "What do you mean you've never seen Pacific Rim!?!" Daisy almost whines throwing her hands in annoyance.

"Well I've been busy the past few years of my life. I don't know if you have noticed but I am the devils bounty hunter." Daisy rolled her eyes at his excuse.

"Well now you have plenty of time don't you?" She walks off into the small kitchen to throw some popcorn in the microwave.

He was stuck at SHIELD base due to an unusual occurrence. Robbie reyes, a.k.a. the Indestructible Ghost Rider, was now sitting on a couch experiencing a whole new level of sickness. Jemma guessed it had something to do with the recent spike in flu season, just a very strong variation. In fact she was the one to order a recovery on base to study him. But its times like these he wishes he was home and could retreat to the comfort of his own bed.

A cold for a ghost rider sucked. A high temperature up to 150*f, completely random outbreaks of one hell of a rage episode (just ask fitz), too much movement made him nauseous so the couch is to stay until he gets too tired, and finally food. His stomach rejected any kind of food. No solid foods and only a handful of soft foods or soups.

Gabe was the one to call them actually. Robbie had come home one night with a headache and got sick, which was strange to happen. Gabe himself having a grasp on the range of powers and abilities his brother has. Immunity was supposed to be one of them. Robbie waved him off at first thinking he just ate something bad, but by the next morning he was swimming in sweat and pain ringing in all of his joints. Thats when gabe took the liberty to call jemma himself.

And if robbie thought gabe's debating was bad, jemma made the rider want to be deft. She complained, "Robbie why didn't you say anything!" to, "Your blood should literally be boiling.!" 

Daisy nudged his arm bringing him out of thought and handed him a glass of sprite. "And in no shape to do anything. Just getting you to this room was a pain in the ass." She walked over to the t.v. to get the movie started.

Robbie shot the whole thing down tasting the bitter liquid medicine jemma had told him to take. Oh, he could feel the cold liquid travel into his stomach. "It's not healthy to be around me right now if it is contagious, so why are staying here?" He asked raising a brow clearly not amused with her constant banter.

Daisy plopped down on the other end of the couch and pulled the bowl of popcorn into her lap. Oh. . . .the torture. "Well I know how it feels to be quarantined with nothing to do or anyone to talk to. That, and I'm the only one that can stop you're temperamental ass." He smirked and shook his head because while it was true she was there to make sure he didn't burn down the facility, her company was kind of nice.

That was...

Until she popped a piece of popcorn into her mouth. It was evil, he could smell it. "Well, its not really helping if you eat right in front of me." He practically glared at her noticing her tense and give an innocent smile.

"Sorry, is there anything I can get for you?" She asked putting the bowl down and turning fully to him. He was wearing a black, skintight, tank-top with grey sweatpants, both of which are SHIELD issue. He looked miserable and hot. Literally. The hair on the top of his head that he had grown out an inch or so was mopped down with sweat, and a hint of bedhead. 

He rolled his eyes looking annoyed. He wishes he could, but whatever was attacking his body made him get sick almost instantly. It wasn't all the time, just most of the time that this would happen. "I'm sure my stomach would be eating itself it I couldn't regenerate. I cant even keep a fucking bowl of noodles for Christ sake!" Robbie let his head fall back and pouted. "And johnny hasn't picked up any of my calls, so I have no help!" 

She narrowed her eyes. "Temper reyes, calm down."

He shook his head which was a mistake because he was dry heaving seconds later in a trash can  next to the couch. Daisy could feel his pain from how bad his body was gagging, trying to get rid of something. It lasted a full minute before it relented and he was able to get a full breath. Daisy rubbed his back as his muscles shook and breathing picked up. 

He leaned back into place and let his head roll back. "Fucking hell this sucks." The Latino mumbled as he looked at the T.V. Daisy got up to note how he reacted to the medicine and set it to jemma.

She returned to the couch, played the movie, and kept a closer eye on his reaction.

About mid-way through he fell asleep in what daisy would call an uncomfortable position for his neck. He was still warm but wrapped tight in a soft blanket. If he wasn't in so much pain she would think it cute. 

It was late now so she cleaned up her mess and went to help him to bed. She shook his arm lightly to earn a moan. "Come on reyes, lets get you into bed okey?" Daisy threw his arm over her shoulder and brought him to his feet slowly. One dragging foot after the other it was a mission to get him on the bed.

"Hm, daisy?" Robbie's voice was slurred but she could tell what he was trying to say as she laid him on the bed.

"Yes robbie?"

He took a deep breath, eyes still shut, and smiled lightly. "never mind... " He chuckled to himself at whatever it was he was about to say. Robbie normally got like this when he was tired, delirious. She made him drink some water before covering him with blankets. And for a while she thought he had fallen back to sleep, but a small voice made her freeze. "Gracias mama."

It was both nice and sad what he said, and she couldn't help reciprocating. "Buenas noches Roberto." Daisy hesitated before pecking his sweaty temple and returned to the couch.

Looking after robbie wasn't a burden. In fact, she has found out more about him than any other conversation.

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