Please forgive me

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After a mission gone wrong the team sourly returned to base. They were supposed to save a Colombian village from an hydra experimental weapon test, but they were wrong. The village was filled with hidden explosives and teenagers with bombs strapped to their chests with orders to kill for their families freedom. Daisy had to do something she never thought she would do nor forget.

May tried to talk to her about it. How she knows killing a child changes someone, but daisy's mind was on constant replay of those slow seconds. A young boy ran towards the group screaming and she had to pull the trigger. She thought she had an icer but someone had on purposely replaced their equipment with active firearms.

Seven young male were dead by her hands. Her powers were still weak from the last mission that included a building nearly falling on their heads, so all she was left with was the firearm. This person had planned well, and there is no doubt Director Simmons was going to receive an earful from the superiors.

That's when she finally broke out of her trance to look at her bloody hands and panicked. Coulson grabbed her arms making her jump. "Daisy listen to me and calm down okey? Breath." 

She stuttered and was shaking like a leaf in a monsoon. "A-All of those k-k-kids coulson. I killed them." Tears rolled down her cheeks as she frantically tried wiping the blood off on her pants. "Oh my God coulson, what is robbie going to think?" 

"This isn't something you can hide from your boyfriend. Daisy you need to tell him so he understands." He pulled her into a tight hug as she broke into tears crying in his chest.

It was a stressful five hour flight until they finally landed at their base in LA. Daisy had fallen asleep from crying but woke up when she felt the plane go quiet. Walking out looking like she was in a bloodbath with her bag thrown over her shoulder, she spotted him. What was a awfully hidden smile fell into terror seeing the shape she was in.

She took steps back when he raced over to her to see if she was okey. And she saw that shift of personality in robbies eyes, but he ignored it. "Holy shit daisy are you okey?" He held her arms and could fell how scared she was.

"I'm so sorry robbie. I had to do it. They were coming at us with bombs an-" She was cut off by his tight and strong embrace. She continued tripping over her words trying to tell him. "Someone sabotaged our gear replacing our icers with real guns. They came at us so fast I didn't realize it was real until it was too late. I'm so sorry robbie, please forgive me." She pleaded knowing it was up to the rider inside of him to truly forgive.

She stood there whimpering and pouting in his chest before he picked her up bridal style and carried her inside. He kept her close to himself to assure her safety. He took her to her base room setting her gently on the bed and got warm water running for a bath.

Robbie came back in the room still with that firm look on his face. "Robbie, please. I need to know."

"Daisy I don't blame you for what happened, and neither does the other guy. Stop tearing yourself up over this. You were saving your friends acting on fear. I love you too much to let this get in between us." He softly took her calloused and bloody hands in his and kissed her knuckles.

Her red eyes finally had a break but she fell silent as images returned to her mind. "I can still see their faces robbie. How am I supposed to forget that?" 

He sighed pulling her to her feet. "Surround yourself with friends, and let them know if it comes up. Talk about it. Let yourself be reminded it wasn't you who told those kids to run at your friends with explosives, that it wasn't your gun, that this is work of something else at play." He turned her around and pulled down the zipper of her mission suit. Helping her undress and lead her to the tub to wash the blood off.

He sat their scrubbing her hands as she stared forward into nothing. He realized how unsettling that is and cant imagine what it looks like with him constantly doing that. He wanted to torture whoever hurt his delicate flower. He wasn't the only one. The rider raged in his head knowing someone caused all of this chaos. "You know your lucky dais."

He had caught her attention as she looked at him deeply in the eyes, but he was looking at her hands. "How the Holy hell is this lucky reyes?" 

Robbie shrugged re-watering the sponge. "When I first got the rider I had no control over what he did. At first I thought they were dreams, but as they continued I became more and more convinced it was all too real. Daisy I didn't have people to support me in dealing with these lives I took. Closed off from the world and I sure as hell couldn't tell gabe. I dealt with panic attacks, short fits of rage usually ending with something in me or something else broken, and after realizing there was no stopping its nature. ." He finally met her eyes and he could see that remorse in her eyes. "I became numb to it, although we made agreements to make it work better I constantly still live with those faces. I guess its the human parts of us." 

He had unknowingly finished washing off her hands feeling her hand rest over his. "Robbie, I didn't know."

He kissed her head. "Because I didn't want that burden on your shoulders, but I soon realized the riders purpose. You my angel, need to realize it wasn't your fault trust me." He stood up seeing daisy finally smile.

"I'm no angel robbie." She joked back seeing him finally smile warmly.

"You are my angel daisy. Beaten down by reality but gets back up stronger and overcomes her problems. Daisy you are the strongest women I have ever had the pleasure of knowing."

Daisy laughed as she pulled the drain to let the water run out. "Robbie thank you for staying with me. I know I can be a pain in the ass sometimes, its just opening up like this again." 

"I will be in here waiting when your done." He informed before leaving the door slightly jarred. As she finished washing off in the shower and got dressed in pajamas robbie had dressed down and crawled in bed leaving the room dark. 

Daisy joined him in bed making him stir enough so he could wrap his muscular arm around her waist. Her soft voice of a whisper broke the silence. "Can you please say it? I like it when you say it." His smile was felt as he wove his fingers with hers.

"Of coarse chica." He carefully cleared his throat. "I already know, I don't deserve you. You are the kindest human being I have ever met.... I don't know how I could ever repay you what you have done for me, I will never forget.... I don't even know what to say how to show you that I am grateful.... I used to have wings but I can no longer fly..... I am shattered glass, a broken angel hoping that someday I can again rise to the skies.... To be by your side forever." She was asleep by the time he finished, but truth be told he loved saying it to her.

A lullaby to chase the fear from her mind. 

The next morning Simmons had walked into daisy's room finding the two still holding close. She abruptly cleared her throat getting the two's weak attention. Daisy rolled over into robbie's chest until he spoke.

"Simmons is now really a good time?" Robbie's question made daisy look over to jemma.

"Well if you call catching the person who set up yesterday's incident not a good time then by all means resume your sleep." She couldn't help seeing the two so close. It had been two months their relationship since robbie finally took her out to dinner, and even though they had a healthy amount of bickering like every couple jemma didn't approve of robbie. But he seems to be the realist, someone who comes from a similar background. And she seems relaxed already compared to last night. Maybe this devil was this angels missing piece.

They both rose from their sides of the bed to get dressed as jemma left the two. Robbie sluggishly pulled his pants on before feeling light fingers drag up his back. He leaned back enough to catch daisy's lips with his. "Buenos dias margarita." He felt her lips curl before pulling away to rest their foreheads.

"Morning robbie, ready to kick this guys ass?" She heard him chuckle as he rubbed his face and pulled on his clean shirt. 

"You know me so well chica." 

After a little more time to fully wake up they left their room to bring hell to the person responsible for hurting his girl. Although she might be the one to bring the hurt, which he was completely fine with. 

A/N:I know this one is short but its good. PS: Credit goes to Adriana C Nava S for writing that poem.

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