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The agent sighed long and loud. Somewhat guttural.

"Look Wang, I don't know what to tell you. I don't know if there's much progress. I know probably less than you do."

Grayson blinked, wide eyed. "For the first time agent, I think you just self deprecated yourself in comparison of me. Has Minwoo's absence affected us this severely?"

"Shut up," the agent grumbled, hot quickly and gone. The static with it, meaning he actually shut Grayson out. The line went dead.

Grayson wanted to laugh - this was something to laugh about really, but he couldn't. He still felt depressed. And the only person he wanted to talk to about this was Minwoo.

And he was gone.

Now the agent, who he wasn't sure if he took pity on him or he too was bored and feeling depressed, was also gone. Like Minwoo, who was now fully hands on handling the case of the Missing Prosecutor's Wife by himself.

Or doing most of the current work.

"It's not necessary for you to be involved right now," Minwoo had said, drinking through his share of banana milk while he browsed at something on his tablet. "All I need to do is gain her trust to gain far better access inside their main facility. The prosecutor said his wife donated a lot on her church, in thanks for healing her mind whatever garbage, so she must be a VIP. There's no way to hack VIP members."

Minwoo had set the tablet down and showed him. List of names, faces, stats and numbers... lots and lots of numbers. "These are all the third tier members of the church. There's no other way to access the executives and the second tier members. Not even through a hacking. It's good. Which means there's a lot of shady shit going on."

Grayson flicked his finger over the screen. "Jesus, it's like an army." On and on, the names and faces went.

"There would be a lot of third tiers, but this isn't an organisation to underestimate."

"You think this is an organisation then?"

"I'm still digging, but it is like it." Minwoo opened another banana milk. Then he produced a small, velvet box and threw it - Grayson caught it expertly. "Hopefully this one gets me somewhere."

"Good Lord, are you going to propose to her?" But as Grayson opened it, there were two rings. Similar design but different sizes. Simple silver bands with little stones on each. It was obviously not real, the diamonds.

"Of course not. We've only run for two weeks. But they're couple rings. It's apparently a thing couples do. Act like they're married even when there's an 80% chance of divorce, last statistics concluded." Minwoo laughed it off with that particular prickly, breathy chuckle of it that meant he loathed it very much and waved Grayson off.

And so Grayson had seen far less of him, deep undercover, deep ignoring him. He had even got himself a small dorm close to campus with his fake documents, anything that might lead back to Grayson and their operation - decimated.

And here he was, having to work on menial cases for the time being.


• • •


If Grayson was being honest, he didn't need to go this far. The case he undertook was from some young lady who is getting pressured by loan sharks to pay up, though she was only a two months behind, the harassment has scared her half to death. She sacrificed a good portion of three months worth of salary to pay him to at least scare them, pretend to be her older brother or whatever. Enough to give her time to acquire the money to pay them back.

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