Shock, Tremble and Awe

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Her Spark hums.

It isn't unusual for it to do so, but as she sits in her history class, she can't really explain why it is. It isn't the humming of any of her bonds. No, those she can recognize. This vibration is deeper than just beneath her skin.

It's her Spark that hums.

And that makes all the difference.

It isn't until she hears Tanner say the first legitimately helpful words she's ever heard him say that she realizes.

"One hundred and forty five years ago, the comet passed over Mystic Falls..."

A comet.

A fucking comet.

Fuck all of the Heavenly bodies and all that comes with them



It's the only word written on the board when Stefan takes his seat in Philosophy. He doesn't believe in all of the nonsense about cosmic influence affecting their way of life. Curious, he glances over to the unusually silent brunette.

Charlie Stilinski had barely spoken a word all day. Not even Tanner's bullying tactics could get her to speak. Even now, she sits, leaning back in her seat, arms crossed over her chest and eyes staring blankly at the board without actually seeing anything.

She isn't doodling in her notebook or texting on her phone. She is silent and she is still.

And it causes a shiver to crawl up Stefan's spine.

"Today, we are going to discuss superstitious beliefs and if they actually hold any significant weight to our lives."

It seems to have become the usual way this class goes. Students immediately start debating over different philosophies and ideals, and both Stefan and Charlie remain silent.



The brunette blinks, visibly coming out of her thoughts, "Yes, ma'am?"

"You usually interject with your thoughts by now. Are you alright?"

The obvious concern doesn't have any affect on the girl's expression as she nods slowly, "I'm fine. We are dicussing whether or not cosmic occurrences have any affect on our lives, or if they just...exist."

"And you're thoughts?"

"There's far too many stories, legends and myths that show that certain celestial calamities do have an influence on our lives. In fact, there wouldn't be life at all if we didn't have the Sun, to give us warmth, light and energy. There is a fundamental belief that even the Moon, throughout all phases, has different effects on us. Much like the idea that weirder things are bound to happen on a Full Moon night than any other."

"That's just a scary story parents tell their kids to make them stay inside at night."

Charlie doesn't even look away from the board, her head tilting, "Is it? There are beliefs that a Full Moon displays a significant amount of metaphysical energy that flows through each and everyone of us."

"I can even give you examples. My Pops is the Sheriff back in my hometown, and he says that it is always like clock work that his craziest stories often happen on a Full Moon night. The woman who helped raise me after my mom died is a nurse and she says that there are more injuries and more fatalities that occur on the night of a Full Moon."

"If a celestial body, like our Moon, can affect the very push and pull tides of our seas, then what's to say that it doesn't affect the very push and pull flow within our very bodies. Many cultures believe that, much like the circulatory system, our bodies carry a flow of natural energy that flows from our very center and goes outward, instead of being recycled. So, if the Moon affects something as massive as our very oceans, what's to say that it doesn't affect the energy that flows from us?"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2018 ⏰

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