New Arrivals

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Caroline Forbes bounces with excitement when she hears rumors about two new students. It isn't normal for people to move to Mystic Falls, and she already knows that they didn't move here together.

Unfortunately, she has Tanner as her first teacher and the guy is a total dick. On the plus side, she's already caught sight of the hot new guy sitting somewhat behind Elena.

Tanner's lecture is cut off when the door pops open and in walks a girl. Caroline can't help but feel slightly envious when she sees pretty, loosely spun brown curls and a tall, lean body. The girl's outfit leaves a lot to be desired, black skinny jeans, black boots and a black tank top worn underneath a long sleeved green plaid shit left open.

"Can I help you?"

The derisive tone in Tanner's voice causes the girl to flash him a painfully obvious fake smile, "I'm pretty sure you don't have the right degree to give me the help I need." Caroline chuckles with the rest of the class as the brunette's smile quickly falls into a blank expression, "I just transferred in."

Tanner takes the slip from the girl, reading it over, "Right, Miss W- well, that is an unfortunate name. Do your parents hate you?"

A sarcastic twist to her lips appears before the girl says, "Well, mom's been dead for years, but I will be sure to let Pops know you want an answer to that question."

"Just find your seat, Miss Stilinski."

Caroline watches in awe as the brunette slowly points to herself and in the most condescending tone says, "New student."

"Be sure to remove the attitude out of your tone."

The brunette nods, shrugging a shoulder without care, "Sure, just as soon as you remove the dumb out of your ass."

Caroline chokes on her laughter as the new girl is instantly told to get out. Without hesitation or shame, the brunette pivots on her heel and saunters out of the room.

Oh, this is bound to be fun


It isn't until lunch that Caroline drags Elena and Bonnie toward the lone table outside, where the new girl sits typing away at her phone. Taking the empty space next to her, while Bonnie and Elena sit across from them, Caroline flashes the girl a broad smile after she looks up from her phone.

"Hi. I'm Caroline. These are my friends, Bonnie and Elena. We wanted to welcome you to Mystic Falls."

Oh, there's another thing for Caroline to admire. The new girl's eyes are a pretty mix of whiskey gold and pale jade green.

"Everyone just calls me Charlie," Caroline opens her mouth to ask why a pretty girl has a boy's name, when the brunette continues, "My first name is excessive ethnic and difficult to pronounce and Charlotte is my middle name."

"Can I call you Lottie, or something? You're too pretty for a boy's name." Caroline insists.

Wait. That might be offensive.

Thankfully, the girl's lips twitch upward into a small smile, "Yeah. Peter says the same thing."

"Peter, the boyfriend?"

Bonnie's teasing quip causes the girl to snort into her water bottle, "Hell no. Don't get me wrong, Peter is very good looking, but he's also in his thirties and at the moment my legal guardian. That would be very weird."

"Wait, you don't live with your dad?"

Charlie rolls her eyes at Elena's question, "No. Don't get me wrong, my Pops is awesome, but I was having a rough go about it back home and needed a break."

A Spark of Change (Tvd/teenwolf Story)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz