A Mundane Life

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Charlie ignores the beads of sweat that trickle along her bare skin as the wooden bo staff connects solidly with the fully automated sparring dummy. Dodging a follow through, she ducks in order to avoid the blow, only to sweep her leg out as her body pivots around. Moving with the momentum, she adjusts her hold on the staff and slams one end against the open chest of the still falling dummy. Her movements are fluent as she twists, getting her feet back under her before she lunges forward, her staff sweeping through the air in a vicious swipe.

The dummy's head hits the nearby wall, the rest of its body crumbling to the ground. Taking in a slow, deep breath, she is broken out of her heavy thoughts by a slow clap. Turning in the direction of the sound, she spots Peter Hale grinning at her with pride. As the man removes the cold water bottle from the crook of his elbow and extends it in offer, she smiles softly before crossing the distance.

The basement had been retrofitted into a training room for her, as Peter had insisted that just because they were no longer in Beacon Hills, it didn't mean they were safe. Wiping the sweat away from her neck with a towel, Charlie moans in relief as the cool water soothes her throat.

"You seem to be on top form. Although, we might have to replace the dummy."

She rolls her eyes, her hand waving toward the broken training dummy. Feeling the familiar pull in her chest, she let's her belief flow freely and watches as the broken dummy pieces itself back together. Once the dummy is back in its original place in the corner of the room, Charlie flashes Peter a grin.

If there is one thing that separates her and Stiles, it is how their Sparks are used. Stiles' Spark is mostly rune work, defense, protection and healing. Charlie's Spark is very much more aggressive and offensive, as she had always been the more physical one between them. That doesn't mean her brother is weaker, because she sure as fuck wouldn't have been able to make a mountain ash barrier around an entire club, or hold two hundred pounds of paralyzed werewolf afloat for two hours just on her will power alone. No, her brother's ability to push the boundaries of his limitations in order to protect his loved one's is impressive.

"I came down because your phone has been going off for the last half hour."

Glancing at the nearby wall, she curses, "Fuck. Some girls at school invited me out to eat."

It takes her twenty minutes to shower and change into a pair of simple blue jeans, a black t-shirt with the Deadpool insignia on the chest and a red and black plaid shirt she snagged from Stiles. Shoving her feet into her boots, she rushes down the stairs, snagging her keys out of the bowl on the breakfast bar. Pressing a kiss to Peter's cheek, and taking a moment the brush her cheek against his as a way to scent mark him, she races out the door.

Pulling into the parking lot of the only restaurant in town, Charlie parks her Jaguar XK in an empty spot. Stalking inside, she pauses just inside the door, her gaze sweeping around the room.


Hearing that particular nickname, Charlie glances over to see the three girls from lunch, and the boy from her Philosphy class. The curved U shaped booth is in the corner, a booth used for larger parties rather than the basic four person seater. Crossing the distance, she drops into the empty spot across from Stefan.

"Sorry I'm late." A waitress with long brown hair and eyes that are obviously bloodshot approaches their table. Seeing that she is the only one without food or a drink, Charlie quickly orders, "Turkey club sandwich, bacon crispy, light on the mayo. Cheese fries and a glass of water please."

"Did...you change between here and school?" Caroline asks, looking over her outfit.

"Yeah," Charlie glances down at herself. "I tend to work out after school."

A Spark of Change (Tvd/teenwolf Story)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora