Please, Just Let Me Go

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To the most important person in my life,

I am sorry, brother. If you are reading this, then you must already realize I have left. I am not sorry for leaving, but that I didn't have the courage to say it to you in person.

Because you would have made me stay. And I can't. Not anymore. Not after all that has happened.

Seventeen years old and with too much blood on my hands and dead friends weighing on my shoulders. Too many nightmares and not enough dreams. Too many times of being forced into a position where hard decisions had to be made.

More heartache and loss than comfort or joy.

I love you more than life itself, and I encourage you to figure out your future, if staying is worth your life. I'm sure you will believe so, as your loyalty is your greatest asset, and your most terrifying trait.

I will call you when I am ready, but please respect my decision.

With all my heart,
The better looking twin,


P.S. PH is with me because if he stays any longer he might actually try to kill your best friend again.

Stiles Stilinski drops the letter on his desk, turning his gaze on his dad, "You let her go?"

The Sheriff watches his son rub at his chest wearily, "Yes. I would have sent you too, but you would never abandon Scott."

Stiles nods stiffly, eyeing the letter, "Peter will keep her safe."

"Really? The whole Pack hates him."

Stiles shrugs, "I guess. But for some reason Char and Creeperwolf just get each other."

Picking up his phone, the teenager opens up a new text to Peter.

If you do anything to hurt my sister, I will use what memories Nogi left behind and turn them on you. I mean it Creeper, I will bury you. Permanently.

Oh I have no doubt about that, dear boy.

Don't make it weird and I mean it, Hale, nothing will stop me from testing just how much healing your body can do.

You twins are absolutely, delightfully terrifying. You have my word, I will keep her as safe as possible. She is a Stilinski though, so no promises.

Tossing his phone onto his bed, Stiles sighs, rubbing his chest once more, "Damn it, Scottie."


Hazel green eyes, the only trait that stands apart from her brother, gaze up at the three story Victorian styled house that looks like a more colorful version of the Addams Family house. The outside is a rich maroon shade with dark window shutters and doors. She steps onto the wrap around porch, hand smoothing over the railing. It is well taken care of.

"This is beautiful, Peter," she says, her tone a soft, gentle monotone.

The oldest remaining Hale unlocks the front door, pushing it open for both of them to enter, "Yes well it belonged to my grandfather, on my mother's side. I'm sure you know about the apartment complex we own in New York as well."

She nods stiffly, saying nothing as she follows Peter inside. She rubs at her chest, the unfamiliar tightness reminding her of what she left behind. She misses her brother, her heart thumping painfully as the bond between them is stretched over several thousand miles.

The interior speaks of beauty, wealth and age, although she hears Peter muttering about updating the kitchen. She wonders if the Hale House back home had been as beautiful as this one.

She doesn't ask.

The two set out to bring their things inside, Peter's high maintenance needs already causing him to make a list on his phone, of what they will need.

Packing away her belongings, she can't help but wonder how different life in Mystic Falls will be.

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