Chapter 7

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Recap -
End of recap-

Normal PoV -
Far away from the sunrise residence, a bunch of sadistic vampires stood talking about a specific girl!

"Reiji... WHAT THE HELL! You can't just experiment on human... pests..."

"Why ever not! You never seemed to care for the worthless bothersome pests before! So why now?
Is my 'dearest' older brother in love?"

"This is to bothersome I'm going to sleep"

"Tsk! Lazy bastard! He never deserved to be the oldest! I deserve to inherit everything... NOT HIM!!!"

"Little bitch... don't worry, you'll be mine after Reiji's experiment, fufffufufufuffu"

"Laito (yes I'm going with this spelling and not Raito, so don't call it out) that's unfair! You get everyone! Isn't that right teddy!?
You even got Yui!!! But she's an annoying whiny bitch, mmhhehe, so I'm glad you didn't share... but... EMA WILL BE MINE! TEDDY AND ME WANT HER!"

"Well Kanato, at least you don't have to deal with the whiny pancake all day long! Why couldn't those worthless half-blood Mukami's keep her!
Plus 'Father' already mentioned that Ema is the true Eve, and Yui was only a stupid replacement, yet we still can't kill her!"

"AYATO!!! Honeyyyyyy I'm homeeee!!! I have a special treat for you!"

Yui said pushing her non-existent pancake breasts up, rubbing her exposed thigh onto Ayato's crotch area (Yh Yh, dont worry there won't be smut just yet... unless u want it wink wink)
Ayato harshly pushed Yui to the ground , quickly teleporting away before Yui could even comprehend what happened.

Realising that Yui was about to get up, the rest of the brothers vanished before she could scream 'Ayato'.

A time skip... brought bts merry late Christmas

Somewhere back at the Ashahina household, a loud sneeze was heard...


Sky PoV -
How strange... my daddy told me once that when you sneeze it mweans somewone was tawking bout you!
But my nii-sans are all next to me, so who could it be...?
What was I thinking about?
Ohhhhh pwetty crayons!

"Nii - sans I draw picture, for you!?
Answer no, no! You love picture? I hope! Leave! Me so draw!"

All bros PoV -
Damnnnnnn she's getting worse! God, she's not even speaking in full sentences... we need to do something soon! But what...

Okay... finally updated😂😅 very sorry!
Hope you had a great Christmas/ holiday!!!
I'm in taiwan... so time zones stress me out a bit and jet lag kills me sometimes...
But the real reason why I didn't update is...
With that, I have no idea where this story is going I just hope u guys like it.

The song... I just love it, and was listening to it on repeat to it whilst writing this😂👌😅

I'll try not to be lazy and update again soon... ish

Ik my chapters aren't very long, I'm sorry, I just can't fathom to put to much in a chapter, but I hope there not to short for ur liking!!!

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