Chapter 6

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Normal PoV - The brothers where anxiously awaiting the arrival of their last three siblings that have yet to arrive.
Time ticked slowly in the Ashahina household...
Ukyo rushes to open the door.

??? PoV - I wonder what's taking them so long, I guess that's my fault for forgetting my keys, well as I've always said 'forgetting something is part of the journey'. Mother also said to hurry here quickly since she thought Ukyo sounded strange on the phone, I hope nothing happened to that sweet innocent little sister of ours.
I mean our brothers conflict has only just restarted, and I'm in the running this time...

Normal PoV - Ukyo shakily opened the door, dreading the worst...
"H-hikaru... oh thank goodness it's you, come in come in"

"Hello dearest older brother, it took you long enough to open the door!"

"Y-yes, very sorry. Please come in... we must show you something immediately!"

"Very well. By the way, hows our cute sister we all seem to adore so much"

Blushing a deep red, Ukyo fast walked back to the living room, leaving Hikaru smirking with an open notebook in his hand.

Time skip - brought to you by... Hani2018 the sweetest and most supporting person🔥❤️ love them so much

A deadly aura surrounded Hikaru as he watched his brothers cower in fear.

"Hika-nee I pwomise it wasn't deir fwault! Pwease don be mad!"

Sky whimpered quietly, shielding herself behind Masaomi, before quickly running to Hika-nee 'attempting' to drag him backwards as to save her precious onii-chans.


"Sky don't worry I would never hurt our brother 'except if it's a fight for you're love' and bless you"

A/n - you're choice to read, honestly u should, it's not very long, just read it! But... you're choice obvi😂👌

Okay listen anyone who bothers to read this... you can hate me for not updating when I said I would try... honestly I forgot I even started writing a book😂😅👌
Anyways, this was something I could quickly write, I promise it will make more sense later, please bare with this sorry excuse for a story.

The next chapter will describe a lot of things!

Hope u enjoyed this chapter even tho it's rly short❤️

Lol comment if u read the a/n

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