Chapter 11

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Shaky breaths were concealed by the ever present on-pour of rain; Sky stood dazed the rain pelted against her back, blood snaked down pooling at the jagged skin before once more trickling down her arm, weaving its way to the tips of her fingers. 

b l o o d

One word repeating. One word. Blood.

Sky was slipping, she didn't know the events that transpired earlier that day. The only thing she could be sure of, was the undeniable certainty that she was once more her own age.

Small tremors wracked her tiny frame, a drenched hoodie weighing down on her, Sky stumbled forward, trying with all her might to continue. Trying with all her might to focus on the positives of life. Yet with every step she mustered forwards another thousand thoughts littered through her mind.

The wind, albeit previously calm, started to thrash around her as if her thoughts where trying with all their strength to escape the prison that was her mind. She could feel herself slipping, time always seemed to move slower when you know the impending doom of impact was nearing.

Every depressing thought she'd ever had swirled throughout her mind then suddenly with a thud. Silence.

A comforting silence, it was as though the world around her melted away and all that remained was a soft yellow glow that was carrying her towards a new life. Sky could hear the voices of her newfound brothers enveloping her in a big hug.

Her brothers.

The first time she had felt true warmth in her life, a warmth that she currently yearned for. As she continued to reminisce about the brief moments of happiness that she'd had the pleasure to experience throughout her stay at the Asahina household, the fog in her brain that just moments ago had enveloped her mind in a state of calm tranquillity began to fade.

The sharp stinging that had been dulled throughout the last few minutes had resurfaced; although it was a pain she'd become quite accustomed to, that didn't make it any less unbearable. In a state of frenzy Sky reached for her phone, attempting to call the only group of people that would come save her.
The bright screen of her phone flickered underneath her shaky hands, a slither of shining hope fluttered helplessly away from her body as she witnessed the phone flash to black.

Small streams of tears silently ran down her face as silent sobs shook her body until she could take it no more. Her body convulsed as instead wretched sobs, that very much could be described as screams, left her. Leaving her withering as her body shook to the bone.
A glimmer from the mud caught sky's eye, the flint of an abandoned knife caught her attention, drawing her in.
Her mind only focused on the endless peace that one object could bring her, temping her to the final end.

The final push of energy within her tiny body, Sky extended her shivering arm, with full force she pierced her heart.
Yanking out the blade, left to bleed out...

The end besties x
Ending this for the closure of my 14yro self, this is cringe, love y'all that ended this story w me <3

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